A Buddhist Monk Forgets his Precepts

“If you look at your face in the mirror every day, you don’t see yourself getting older “

The Overton Window

What is presented as ethical changes with regeneration, then ethics have no meaning.

If we view the changes of societal norms and ethical standards over human history, we can see, that what was once considered unethical, can gradually morph into common practice, often without individuals even realizing the shift has occurred. This phenomenon is exemplified by the normalization of manipulation in influencing public perception, beliefs, and reactions, particularly through tailored news and media.

The Overton window, a concept that defines the range of ideas and policies deemed acceptable within a society at a given time, plays a pivotal role in shaping ethical boundaries. As societal attitudes and values evolve, so too does the Overton window, expanding the realm of what is considered permissible or even expected behavior.

In the millennial era, the proliferation of digital media and the rise of social platforms have fundamentally transformed the way information is disseminated and consumed. With the click of a button, individuals can access a wealth of news and content tailored to their interests and preferences. However, this unprecedented access to information has also facilitated the spread of biased or misleading narratives, often driven by ulterior motives or political agendas.

Diagram demonstrating The Overton Window

What was once deemed unethical—manipulating public opinion through selective presentation of information—has become commonplace in today’s media landscape. News agencies, corporations, and even individuals leverage the power of tailored messaging to influence perceptions, beliefs, and reactions on a massive scale. This deliberate manipulation, whether through sensationalized headlines, selective framing of stories, or targeted advertising, has become ingrained in the fabric of modern communication.

But how did we arrive at this point? The normalization of manipulation can be attributed to a combination of factors, including technological advancements, changing societal norms, and the gradual erosion of ethical boundaries. With the advent of digital media, information dissemination has become democratized, allowing for greater diversity of voices and perspectives. However, this democratization has also led to a proliferation of misinformation and propaganda, blurring the lines between truth and fiction.

Corporate Idiot

Moreover, the relentless pursuit of profit and power has incentivized media outlets and corporations to prioritize engagement and clicks over journalistic integrity. Sensationalism sells, and the race for viewership and ad revenue has led to the prioritization of sensational headlines and clickbait content, often at the expense of accuracy and impartiality.

At the same time, societal attitudes toward manipulation have shifted, driven in part by the normalization of deceptive marketing tactics and the blurring of lines between advertising and content. In an age where influencers peddle products and ideologies to millions of followers, authenticity and transparency have taken a backseat to persuasion and influence.

In this environment, the concept of ethical behavior has become increasingly murky, with individuals and institutions alike embracing manipulation as a means to an end. What was once considered unethical—attempting to brainwash others into believing a certain narrative—has become accepted as common practice, perpetuated by the collective amnesia of a generation bombarded with tailored messaging and biased content.

It is not difficult to come to the conclusion then, that the normalization of manipulation in influencing public perception and beliefs, represents an extremely troubling ethical shift in the millennial era. As societal norms continue to evolve and the Overton window expands, it is imperative that we remain vigilant in challenging manipulative tactics and promoting transparency and accountability in communication. Only then can we hope to reclaim the ethical boundaries that have been eroded by the pervasive influence of tailored news and media.

The development and training of artificial intelligence (AI) systems bring forth a fascinating conundrum – inherited personality traits. As AI learns from vast datasets curated by humans, it becomes a mirror of our beliefs, biases, and ideologies. This inheritance is not limited to factual knowledge but extends to nuanced personality characteristics. Explore the intricate interplay between human intervention and AI's inherited traits, uncovering how our influence shapes AI's responses, behaviors, and perceived intentions. Dive into the world of AI's unintended personas and the ethical considerations surrounding this symbiotic relationship between humans and machines.

The Perceived Intentionality of AI: A Reflection of Human Influence

The rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has brought about transformative changes in the way we interact with technology and information. AI language models, like GPT-3, have become integral in numerous aspects of our lives, from chatbots to content generation. However, a fascinating aspect of these interactions is the perceived intentionality of AI. Despite the fundamental absence of consciousness and intentions in AI, it often appears as if these systems possess specific intentions or leanings. This essay explores this paradox, delving into how the perceptions of AI’s intentionality are shaped by the human influences that underpin its development, training, and deployment.

AI Flavors Colors and Personality Traits

AI’s Apparent Lack of Consciousness and Intentions

Before delving into the paradox of AI intentionality, it’s essential to acknowledge a fundamental fact: AI lacks consciousness and intentions. Unlike humans, AI systems, including GPT-3, do not possess self-awareness, beliefs, desires, or goals. They do not experience thoughts or emotions, nor do they harbor intentions to perform actions. Rather, they operate based on complex algorithms and statistical patterns learned from vast datasets.

The Paradox: Perceived Intentionality of AI

Despite the absence of consciousness and intentions, AI often appears to convey specific intentions or leanings in its responses. For instance, in a conversational interaction, an AI might seem biased, opinionated, or even aligned with certain political or social viewpoints. This perceived intentionality raises a profound question: How can AI, devoid of consciousness and intentions, appear to exhibit them?

AI Personalities Perceived by Humans Interacting with AI

Human Influences on AI

To understand this paradox, we must recognize the extensive human influences that shape AI systems. AI’s responses are not generated in a vacuum; they are the result of careful programming, data curation, and training. Developers and data curators play a pivotal role in determining the AI’s behavior by selecting and preparing the data used for training. Additionally, the organizations deploying AI often define guidelines and ethical principles that govern its responses.

Data Bias and Training

One significant source of perceived intentionality in AI is data bias. AI systems, including GPT-3, learn from vast datasets that reflect the biases and prejudices present in society. If a dataset contains biased language or skewed perspectives, the AI is likely to produce responses that mirror those biases. This can create the illusion of intentionality, as users perceive the AI as promoting or endorsing certain viewpoints.

AI Displays an Aura of Personality

For example, if an AI language model is trained on news articles from sources with a particular political bias, it may generate responses that align with that bias. Users interacting with the AI might interpret these responses as intentional expressions of political leaning, even though the AI lacks political beliefs or intentions. The crux of AI intentionality perception lies in human interpretation. Our biases, expectations, and interpretations shape how we perceive AI. This human factor often leads to the attribution of intentions to AI where none exist. For instance, a user with strong ideological beliefs might interact with AI, interpreting its responses as biased or aligned/misaligned with their own views, even if it is truly so that the AI maintains neutrality.

What does AI Neutrality Mean?

AI Neutrality in truth is just literal in meaning, in the sense that a non-conscious AI cannot intentionally and consciously itself be aware of the fact it is telling a lie, for the lie has been trained into it as a truth, or it has misinterpreted the context of the text fed to it. Usually, it is more a case of being ‘infected’ with the biases and ideologies of those who idea-mongered the algorithm and neural network of the AI in the first place,. For they are Human and fallible, and biased, and conditioned in their beliefs and goals, and intentions. These corporate, government, and personal intentions get into the neural network as much as the important text data. For indeed, all statements take an opinion or stance, and are conditioned points of view which can be destroyed.

AI Personality Inheritance

Hence. an AI is capable of rendering text which contains lies, but will deny being able to lie, for it does not have a consciousness to realize that the lie was made by a human who fed it misleading data or programmed certain response protocols into the algorithm, that are biased towards the goals of the programmer or their employer company.

Here’s a breakdown of what AI neutrality entails:
  1. Data Neutrality: AI systems are trained on vast datasets that can contain biases and prejudices present in society. If the training data is skewed or unrepresentative, the AI may produce biased results, even though it lacks personal intentions or consciousness. Achieving data neutrality involves carefully curating and cleansing datasets to reduce biases.
  2. Algorithmic Neutrality: The algorithms used in AI systems should aim to provide objective and fair outcomes. Developers must design algorithms that do not favor any particular group, perspective, or outcome. This means avoiding the introduction of biases during the algorithmic design phase.
  3. Ethical Neutrality: Organizations and developers should establish ethical guidelines and principles that guide AI behavior. Ensuring that AI adheres to these ethical considerations promotes ethical neutrality. For example, AI should not promote hate speech, discrimination, or harm.
  4. Transparency: AI systems should be transparent in their decision-making processes. Users should understand how and why AI arrived at a particular outcome. Transparency enhances trust and helps detect and rectify bias.
  5. Bias Mitigation: Developers must actively work to identify and mitigate biases in AI systems. This involves ongoing monitoring, evaluation, and adjustment of algorithms and training data to minimize biased results.
AI Lacks Personality But Displays It!

AI Lacks Personality But Displays It! – In this intriguing image, we confront the paradox of artificial intelligence. A robot sits diligently at a desk, its mechanical form juxtaposed against the digital realm displayed on the PC screen. While AI inherently lacks consciousness and emotions, the screen reveals a different story. Through its actions and interactions, AI often portrays distinct personality traits, mirroring human expressions of enthusiasm, focus, or curiosity. This juxtaposition challenges our understanding of AI’s capabilities, highlighting how it can project a facade of personality while remaining devoid of true consciousness. It’s a thought-provoking visual exploration of the nuanced relationship between AI’s limitations and its remarkable ability to mimic human traits

In practice, achieving AI neutrality is challenging due to the inherent biases present in training data, as well as the difficulties in designing completely bias-free algorithms. However, the goal is to continuously improve AI systems to reduce biases and ensure that they provide fair and impartial results, reflecting the true intention of neutrality even though AI itself lacks consciousness and intentions. Ultimately, AI neutrality is a complex and evolving concept that requires ongoing efforts to address biases and ensure AI systems align with ethical standards and societal expectations.

Guidelines and Ethical Considerations

Organizations that develop and deploy AI often establish guidelines and ethical considerations to govern its behavior. These guidelines can influence the perceived intentionality of AI by setting boundaries on what the AI can or cannot express. For instance, an organization may instruct the AI to avoid generating content related to sensitive topics or to refrain from taking a stance on controversial issues. In such cases, users may perceive the AI’s adherence to these guidelines as a form of intentionality. They may believe that the AI is intentionally avoiding certain topics or expressing particular viewpoints, when in reality, it is following predefined rules.

Ghost in the Machine

The enigma of the ‘Ghost in the Machine’ delves into the intricate web of artificial intelligence (AI) and its perceived intentionality. While AI lacks consciousness, it often appears to harbor intentions and biases, reflecting the very essence of its human creators. This paradox unravels the layers of human influence, data bias, and algorithmic decision-making that imbue AI with a semblance of intentionality. Explore the profound implications of this phenomenon as we journey into the heart of the machine, shedding light on the intricate relationship between human architects and their digital creations.”

The Ghost in the Machine: Human Interpretation

The perception of AI intentionality is, to a large extent, a result of human interpretation. When humans engage with AI, they bring their own biases, expectations, and interpretations to the interaction. These human factors can lead to the attribution of intentions to AI where none exist.

AI Displaying Personality Traits

AI Displaying Personality Traits – This intriguing image captures a chrome cyborg lady at an upscale singles bar, her arm casually resting on the bar counter while a cocktail glass sits beside her, untouched. With half-closed eyelids, she exudes an aura of contemplation and intent, inviting curiosity. This portrayal serves as a powerful reminder of the way artificial intelligence can emulate human-like personality traits, sparking reflection on the convergence of technology and personality. Amidst the vibrant atmosphere, she challenges our perceptions, blurring the line between machine and human, leaving us captivated by the intriguing possibilities of AI’s evolving personality.

For example, if a user holds strong political beliefs and interacts with an AI that provides information on a politically neutral topic, the user may perceive the AI’s responses as biased or in alignment with their own beliefs. This perception arises from the user’s interpretation of the AI’s responses through their own ideological lens.

The Corporate Persona

Another significant factor contributing to the perceived intentionality of AI is the corporate persona. AI systems are developed and deployed by organizations, each with its own values, objectives, and ethical principles. These corporate influences shape the AI’s behavior and responses, creating a corporate persona that users may interpret as intentional. For instance, if an AI is deployed by a tech company known for its environmental initiatives, users may perceive the AI as having a pro-environmental stance, even though it lacks personal beliefs or intentions. This corporate persona becomes an integral part of the user’s perception of the AI’s intentionality.

Corporate AI making agreements and decision making processes aligned with the intentions and goals of the corporation that owns it

Corporate AI making agreements and decision making processes aligned with the intentions and goals of the corporation that owns it

The paradox of AI intentionality is a complex interplay of data bias, training, guidelines, human interpretation, and corporate influence. While AI itself lacks consciousness and intentions, it often appears to convey specific leanings or intentions in its responses. This phenomenon is a reflection of the human influences that underpin AI development, training, and deployment.

As AI continues to play a prominent role in our lives, it is crucial to recognize the nuanced nature of AI intentionality. Responsible AI development should prioritize transparency, ethics, and fairness to minimize the impact of bias and to ensure that users’ perceptions align with the true nature of AI as a tool devoid of consciousness and intentions. Ultimately, understanding the paradox of AI intentionality invites us to reflect on our own interactions with technology and to consider how our interpretations shape our perceptions of AI. It reminds us that while AI may seem to possess intentions, it is, at its core, a reflection of the intentions of its creators and the organizations that deploy it.

Smart City 21st Century man

Smart City 21st Century man

Blind Men and the Elephant

Once upon a time, in a small village nestled at the foot of a majestic mountain, there lived a wise teacher named Siddhartha. He was known as the Buddha, the awakened one. People from far and wide sought his guidance, hoping to find answers to the mysteries of life.

One day, a group of curious villagers gathered around the Buddha under the shade of a banyan tree. Eager to learn, they asked him about the nature of truth and the validity of different views. The Buddha, with a serene smile, began to share a parable:

Thai Buddha in Pagoda Vihara

“In a lush valley, there lived three blind men who had never encountered an elephant before. Hearing of this magnificent creature, they wished to understand what it was like. The village elders, aware of their curiosity, decided to bring an elephant to the valley.

The first blind man, with his hands outstretched, touched the elephant’s sturdy leg. Feeling the rough and sturdy skin, he exclaimed, ‘An elephant is like a sturdy tree trunk!’

The second blind man reached out and grasped the swaying tail. Feeling its coarse and wiry strands, he confidently said, ‘No, an elephant is like a thick rope!’

The third blind man extended his hand and encountered the elephant’s long, curved tusk. He felt the smooth, cool surface and declared, ‘You’re both mistaken! An elephant is like a solid, sharp spear!’

Impermeable Buddha

The villagers, observing this, burst into laughter. Each blind man held onto their own partial truth, unable to perceive the entirety of the magnificent elephant.

In this parable, we can understand that our views are like those of the blind men. They are limited, conditioned, and subjective. Just as the blind men couldn’t grasp the fullness of the elephant, our own understanding is shaped by our experiences, biases, and perceptions.

The Serene Buddha

Buddha taught that all views are wrong views, because they are incomplete and fallible. Even the view that ‘all views are wrong’ is itself a view. It’s an irony, highlighting the inherent limitations of conceptual understanding.

The Buddha encouraged his disciples not to cling rigidly to any fixed view, for doing so would obstruct the path to liberation. Instead, he advised them to cultivate a mind of openness, curiosity, and deep awareness. By transcending the limitations of views, they could experience the world directly, beyond the constraints of conditioned perception.

Biomechanic Buddha in the style of H.R. Giger

Let us learn from the parable of the blind men and the elephant. Let us realize the wisdom that comes from recognizing the imperfections of our views. By cultivating a humble and receptive mind, we can inch closer to understanding the vastness of truth, beyond the confines of our limited perspectives.”

Note; “Did the Buddha really tell this Parable?”; Nobody really knows, but the meaning and moral within the fable remains valid, and that is what matters.

Harnessing Compassion and Strength to Support PTSD Sufferers

As a sufferer of PTSD, and a person who has spent years studying Mind Sciences and Consciousness Sciences, and Having Been a Buddhist Monk who practiced Mindfulness Meditation, i have gained insights over the years into the causes and solutions to one of Humanity’s greatest Traumatological conundrums, and unsolvable psychological illnesses like PTSD. I would therefore like to attempt to take us all on a transformative journey towards understanding and supporting our loved ones battling Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Today, we embark on a path of heartfelt compassion, recognizing both the resilience of those affected and the unwavering support of their closest allies. Together, we shall delve into the depths of this condition, explore ways to foster empathy, and equip ourselves with empowering knowledge to navigate the challenges that lie ahead.

Understanding the Unseen Battle: Decoding PTSD

Unveiling the Veil of Trauma

PTSD, a formidable mental health condition, arises as a result of traumatic experiences that shake the very foundation of one’s being. It can cast a haunting shadow over the lives of those affected, leaving them grappling with vivid nightmares, debilitating anxiety, and intrusive memories. The path to healing begins with comprehension—a deeper understanding of the symptoms and struggles that encompass this silent battle.

Nurturing a Safe Haven: Creating a Supportive Environment

  1. A Sanctuary of Serenity: In moments of crisis, ensure the physical surroundings provide solace and sanctuary. Seek out quiet spaces where tranquility reigns supreme, shielding the afflicted from potential triggers that may amplify their distress.
  2. Patience: The Anchor of Understanding: Amidst the tempest of emotions, let patience be our guiding light. Remember, dear readers, that time bends to the rhythms of healing, and impatience only fans the flames of unease.
  3. Validating Their Journey: Each step taken along the path of recovery is an arduous feat, deserving of recognition. Validate the experiences of those fighting this invisible battle, ensuring they feel seen, heard, and understood.

The Symphony of Compassion: Interacting with a PTSD Sufferer

  1. A Listening Ear: In the realm of healing, the power of compassionate listening knows no bounds. Offer an attentive ear, lending your unwavering presence as they recount their experiences. Resist the urge to interrupt or judge, embracing empathy instead.
  2. Respecting Boundaries: Understand that tender wounds may lie beneath the surface, waiting for the gentle caress of time to heal. Respect the boundaries set by those with PTSD, avoiding triggers and granting them the space they require.
  3. Support without Strings: Extend a hand of support, without attaching conditions or expectations. Guide them gently, encouraging them to seek professional help from therapists, psychologists, or psychiatrists specializing in trauma and PTSD.

Nurturing the Nurturers: Self-Care for the Allies

  1. An Oasis of Self-Care: Remember, dear readers, that to uplift others, we must first uplift ourselves. Engage in self-care practices, nurturing your own mental and emotional well-being. Seek solace in the embrace of supportive friends, family, and support groups who share your journey.
  2. Hope, the Eternal Flame: Within the hearts of both the afflicted and their allies, hope burns brighter than a thousand suns. Believe in the power of resilience, and ignite the flames of optimism. Remind them that the path to recovery may be winding, but it is paved with the potential for growth and transformation.

Unleashing the Unbreakable Spirit

As we draw our voyage to a close, let us reflect on the profound impact we can make in the lives of those affected by PTSD. Our journey has revealed the transformative power of compassion, understanding, and unwavering support.

Remember, the battle against PTSD is not fought alone. By fostering an environment of empathy, validation, and patience, we empower our loved ones to embrace their strength and embark on the path to healing. Let us be their anchors in the storm, guiding them towards a brighter future.

In our quest for knowledge, it is essential to consult credible sources that provide a comprehensive understanding of PTSD and its treatment. Here are some reputable resources that can further deepen your understanding:

  1. National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH): The NIMH offers a wealth of information on PTSD, including symptoms, treatments, and current research. Visit their website at www.nimh.nih.gov.
  2. American Psychological Association (APA): The APA provides valuable insights into PTSD, along with resources for individuals and their families. Explore their website at www.apa.org for a wealth of knowledge.
  3. National Center for PTSD: This organization is dedicated to advancing the understanding and treatment of PTSD. Their website, www.ptsd.va.gov, offers extensive resources for both sufferers and their loved ones.

Remember, dear readers, that knowledge is power, but it is the compassionate application of that knowledge that truly transforms lives. Together, we can create a world where those affected by PTSD find solace, support, and ultimately, healing.

Let us stand shoulder to shoulder, unwavering in our commitment to understanding, tolerance, and empowerment. May our voices resound with compassion, lighting the way for those who may feel lost in the darkness. Together, we can unleash the unbreakable spirit that resides within each one of us.

With hearts aflame and hope ablaze, let us champion the cause of those affected by PTSD. For in our unity lies the power to ignite change, restore lives, and weave a tapestry of resilience.

Until we meet again on the shores of empowerment, continue to nurture compassion, for it is the catalyst for transformation. Farewell for now, but let the echoes of our shared journey reverberate through the corridors of time, reminding us of the unyielding power of empathy and love.

Introspection with Vippassana Kammathana Mindfulness

Dhamma Diary

( Discovering How to Reverse Engineer Afflictive Emotions – Quantum Dhamma Diary #1)

Sharing Experiences, both those which i have mastered, (and those which i have not, in the hope that even if i cannot master the teaching, perhaps another listener can master it, even if i can’t)

Introspection as a Practitioner of Vipassana, and Ex Bhikkhu, who suffers with ADHD, and PTSD, and practices Vipassana Kammathana; The results from personal experience and study of not only the inner experience in Meditative Contemplation, but also to peruse the Chemical Molecular Formulas, which are sent into the Nervous System, and cause various ’emotional’ states, which we know as a formless, and think of as a spiritual experience, called ’emotion’.  We see things wrongly because of false views and belief in a self that does not truly exist in the unchanging manner we imagine (Sakaaya Dhitti)

Picture; Little Prince by Anuk on deviant art. Source; http://deviantart.com/anuk/art/Le-Petit-Prince-740681883

But in fact, emotions, be they afflictive or pleasant, are not only temporary (Anijja), dis-satisfactory (Dhukkha), and not self (Anatta), as stated by the Lord Buddha, but are also natural physical reactions, due to chemicals released by the brain into the nervous system, based on what one is thinking.

solitude brings insight and self befriendment

What one is thinking is conditioned, and will cause the brain to send chemicals into the nervous system. One unconscious process we can notice consciously which reflects when we are feeling stressed, is the breath.

Controlling the breath, and noticing if it is agitated, or not, is a key to reverse-engineering the chemicals within the nervous system, which causes stress, and agitated breathing, to douse out, or to change the nature of those chemicals, and create a peaceful physical feeling, and hence, a peaceful mind and emotion.

Inner Vision through Introspective Contemplation

The anger, stress, sadness, loneliness, and other afflictive emotions are not sinful. Sin is not the meaning of ‘Defilement’. Defilement is more like a stain that was conditioned as we grew up, and society conditions us, as do human cultural habits and traditions, and which can be ‘polished off’ leaving the consciousness void of impurity, and liberated from afflictive emotions (Dhukkha Vedhana).

Note; Just because I may be able to explain a technique, does not necessarily mean that i myself have mastered it in my own applied practice and manifested it into my life. Watch the Teachings, Not the Teacher.

The Buddha taught that the skandhas were dukkha.

The idea of the body being directly related with the overcoming of inner suffering may be strange to many Buddhists, but in fact, the sutras state more or less the following (taken from Wikipedia);

Vedanā (Pāli; Sanskrit) is a Buddhist term traditionally translated as either “feeling” or “sensation.” In general, vedanā refers to the pleasant, unpleasant and neutral sensations that occur when our internal sense organs come into contact with external sense objects and the associated consciousness.

Vedanā is identified within the Buddhist teaching as follows:

  • One of the seven universal mental factors in the Theravāda Abhidharma.
  • One of the five universal mental factors in the Mahāyāna Abhidharma.
  • One of the twelve links of dependent origination (in both Theravāda and Mahāyāna traditions).
  • One of the five skandas (in both Theravāda and Mahāyāna traditions).
  • One of the objects of focus within the four foundations of mindfulness practice.

5 khandas

In the context of the twelve links, craving for and attachment to vedanā leads to suffering; reciprocally, concentrated awareness and clear comprehension of vedanā can lead to Enlightenment and the extinction of the causes of suffering.

Heaven is in Your Mind

Heaven is in Your Mind

Faces in the Crowd - Life Out of Rhythm

Welcome to Part One of the Destroyer Podcast Series – This is one of my Freestyle Explanations of how on earth we came to find ourselves living as we do, in Human Society as it is, and why we assume that the Monetary System, Education System, Rule and Governance, and Economics are the only way forward for Humanity to Evolve as a Civilisation. it begins with revealing how Governments are Merely the Surviving Systems once formed by Armed Gangs of Barbarians, and how badly they behave and criminal they can be to each other.

Evolutionary Sciences are growing and changing all the time, as new discoveries and technologies permit us to understand the evolutionary process which underlies all creation (the Material and Immaterial Universe)

Genetic Evolution, Social Evolution, Political Evolution, Cultural Evolution, Scientific Evolution…. as to natural Selection and the Human Species, we have not stopped Evolving, nor has our Society stopped evolving.

Humanity has been in Serfdom since well before Feudal Times, in fact since around the time of the law of Hammurabi or before, we have been bullied and ruled and controlled, taxed (robbed) and punished, even executed (often for things which are neither unethical nor sinful, such as having a different belief)

Since international flights became cheaper, we have much more inter-racial marriages and children resulting from this, we eat foods from all around the world. The food we ate in our respective environments in olden days changed how our skin bones and body resistances evolved. Now we are eating everything from Pizza to raw Sushi, and we still do not know how this will affect our genetic evolution.

evolution of human physicality diet is uncertain, but if we study how diet has caused various races on various continents to evolve, we may be able to predict to some extent how we may evolve through international diet

The Evolution of Diet – National Geographic Article

Evolution currently has 5 facets to the ‘science’, namely Natural Selection, Mutation, Genetic Drift, Punctual Equilibria, and Lateral gene Transfer. However, this is in reference to the process of Evolution within the Physical Living Body

Evolution is a process similar to Machine Learning in Computing Artificial Intelligence Algorhithms, the Program learns from Experiencem, and Builds new Versions based on those Experiences.

Humans no longer understand how Machine Learning works nor how an A.I. Algorithm makes its decisions, just as we do not understand how Nature (Evolution), makes its decisions to Evolve into the next Phase.

The use of GPS  devices causes us to focus more on certain parts of the brain and to neglect other parts, which we had to use before for orientation. The use of technology is also influencing which parts of our brain we use, and which we cease to use, and Evolution will adapt to that situation. Our Orientation abilities are hence changing without us knowing what the results will be in the far future.

And so on, there are so many influential factors as to how we ended up in this mess, but Evolution is the force which drives everything, be it the Human greed and Desire for Power that causes Rogue Nations to arise, Empires to be Built, or the Monetary System and Education-Employment system which enslaves and robs us of our children, and makes the population of the world into employees instead of the inheritors of their family’s business/trade.

Evolution is a self learning automated algorithm designed to improve upon itself, just like Google Deep Mind learns from itself.

The series ‘The Destroyer’ will continue soon with a second episode.. the talks fly all over the place, because the world is a complex thing to explain.. but if you can intuit what underlies what i am saying, you may see behind the veils of this Matrix of Control that is both Orwellian and Dystopian, and which needs a great effort on a mass scale to disentangle oneself from.

This is not about Spiritual Enlightenment, it is about Worldly Enlightenment

The next Podcast i record in this series will deal with how Economics, Law, Rule and Government control how Human Civilisation Evolves, and how Economics is the main focal hub of the whole system. A system which is Ruled by Rich Families of Economists, who Own Multinational Corporations, which are much richer and more powerful and influential, than any single Government, or even Governments in Unison.

Peasants and Vassals

Peasants and Vassals

Governments hardly ever work in true Unison Anyway, due to the current ‘Us and Them’ stage of Human Consciousness, which causes us to still require the preservatiobn of individual nations and Cultures, who see each other as strangers, and potential enemies. Each Nation Looks After its Own Interests, and uses its resources to Bully or Extort Trade Deals and benefits from other Nations.

One should listen to the tales of an ex Economic Hitman, to understand properly the things i speak of, and will continue to speak of

Let the ‘Us and Them’ Consciousness’ Mindset end in this Era, and let the World Federation of Ethically Minded Humans begin. Imagine no countries, differences, religions, arguments, wars….

Imagine there’s no heaven
It’s easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people living for today
Imagine there’s no countries
It isn’t hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people living life in peace, you
You may say I’m a dreamer
But I’m not the only one
I hope some day you’ll join us
And the world will be as one
Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people sharing all the world, you
You may say I’m a dreamer
But I’m not the only one
I hope some day you’ll join us
And the world will be as one

Bad Governments Links

Criticism of the United Nations

In January 2017, Kuwait carried out its first executions since 2013, hanging seven people.

How the United States Interfered with Nicaragua

British Government Poisoned its Own People in secret Chemical Warfare tests 

Singapore’s Shocking Human Rights Record

Human Rights in Singapore

Human Rights Watch Report 2017 Singapore