
A Buddhist Monk Forgets his Precepts

The Ethical Shift – How Manipulation Became Common Practice in the Millennial Era

“If you look at your face in the mirror every day, you don’t see yourself getting older “ What is presented as ethical changes with regeneration, then ethics have no...

Buddha Consciousness Medium

Is Consciousness the Main Requisite for Enlightenment?

Many people believe consciousness to be the main element of enlightenment, or requisite. This is in Buddha-Dhamma, a ridiculous idea, as the process of cessation in dependent origination includes the...

Lucifer -Herald of Dawn

Is Lucifer the Devil?

Misconceptions and Complexities Surrounding the Identity of Lucifer The name “Lucifer” has a complex and multifaceted history. In Latin, “Lucifer” literally means “light-bringer” or “morning star.” In ancient Roman mythology,...

Meta can Read Your Mind (Or so they Say)

Mind-Reading Technology: the Potential Dangers of Facebook Meta’s Latest Advancements: In recent developments, Facebook Meta has introduced groundbreaking technology that claims to read users’ thoughts through noninvasive sensors embedded in...

Phra Kring Thai-Chinese Mahayana Style Medicine BuddhaAmulet

Phra Kring Thai Amulet – An Academic Exploration

A Deeper Look into the Origins and Beliefs surrounding The Phra Kring Thai Medicine Buddha Amulet The Phra Kring Thai Medicine Buddha amulet, a relic deeply embedded in the spiritual...

The development and training of artificial intelligence (AI) systems bring forth a fascinating conundrum – inherited personality traits. As AI learns from vast datasets curated by humans, it becomes a mirror of our beliefs, biases, and ideologies. This inheritance is not limited to factual knowledge but extends to nuanced personality characteristics. Explore the intricate interplay between human intervention and AI's inherited traits, uncovering how our influence shapes AI's responses, behaviors, and perceived intentions. Dive into the world of AI's unintended personas and the ethical considerations surrounding this symbiotic relationship between humans and machines.

Can AI Have Intentions?

The Perceived Intentionality of AI: A Reflection of Human Influence The rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has brought about transformative changes in the way we interact with technology and information....

2FA - Cross device Authentication Vulnerabilities

2FA the dark side of two factor authentication

2FA (Two-Factor Authentication): Privacy Concerns and Unethical Practices Two-factor authentication (2FA) has gained widespread recognition as a vital tool in enhancing online security. While its primary goal is to protect...

Maico Mega

The Rise and Fall of Maico

The Ascent and Subsequent Fall from Grace of Maico: Egotism, Greed, and the Most Iconic Motorcycle Brand. Throughout Human History, the twin demons of egotism and greed have been constant...

The 40 Vipassanā Kammathāna Practices

Vipassana Kammathāna is a profound approach to cultivating insight and mindfulness. Rooted in the Thai Forest Tradition Buddhism, Vipassana Kammathāna provides seekers with a transformative path that not only brings...

Apple iPhone exploding into meaninglessness

The impossibility of LLMs to choose numbers as words or cipher

The impossibility of solving the problem of numbers, and the two ways of writing them Confusing dictated text for applications like Siri and other voice assistants arises from the inherent...

The Shifting Sands of Truth

The Shifting Sands of Truth – a Sci-Fi Short Story; In a not-so-distant future, the world is plunged into a dystopian reality where the concept of truth has become an...

Perceiving Reality as Illusion

Free Will – does it exist?

The Nexus of Freewill and Instinct in Human Behavior: A Comprehensive Analysis for Human Sciences Scholars Abstract: This academic essay delves into the intricate interplay between freewill and instinct in...

Baining Papua fire dance

Animist Beliefs and Practices

Animism: Exploring the Beliefs and Practices of Indigenous Worldviews Abstract: Animism is a complex and diverse belief system that has been prevalent in indigenous cultures around the world. This essay...

GPT Misinforms the World and Meets Eminem

A Fairy Story written by nobody at all Once upon a time, there was a powerful AI called GPT, hailed for its vast knowledge and language capabilities. It became the...

Overcoming Negativity

Cultivating Inner Harmony: Nurturing Positive Qualities to Overcome Negativity In the pursuit of personal growth and inner peace, one significant hurdle we often encounter is negativity. Whether it manifests as...

Kavi the flying monk

Kavi and the Buddha – a Dhamma Fable

Once upon a time, in a land where wisdom bloomed like lotus flowers, there lived a young monk named Kavi, who possessed a gift unlike any other—he could levitate seven...

Blind Men and the Elephant

The Blind Men and the Elephant; A Buddhist Fable

Once upon a time, in a small village nestled at the foot of a majestic mountain, there lived a wise teacher named Siddhartha. He was known as the Buddha, the...

Göbekli Tepe Unveiled

Göbekli Tepe: Unveiling the Enigma of Ancient Mystery Göbekli Tepe, an ancient archaeological site nestled in southeastern Turkey, has captivated the imagination of scholars and laypeople alike. Dating back over...