Human Rights Abuse in Singapore
Human Rights in Singapore have not come a very long way over the years. Singapore claims that it is a highly developed and prosperous country, yet it still has its fair share of human rights issues. In recent years, the government has taken steps to address some of these issues, such as introducing the Public Order and Safety Act and the Maintenance of Religious Harmony Act, as well as reforming and strengthening the legal system. The country has also signed and ratified various international treaties, such as the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Convention Against Torture, in order to promote and protect human rights. Despite these efforts, there is still much work to be done in order to ensure that all people in Singapore are able to enjoy their fundamental human rights.
- Singapore ranked 158 on RSF’s 2020 World Press Freedom Index, down seven spots from 2019, below every country in Southeast Asia, except for Laos and Vietnam – both single-party communist states. Singapore’s sharp decline in press freedoms has been linked to a fake news law, which came into force in October 2019.
- However, in 2022, Singapore miraculously jumped 30 places higher in the Index, which can indicate nothing else but a major bribe and influential corrupt act of false data manipulation. For Indeed, it is not possible to gain a 30 step up ranking in the World Press Freedom Index, without hiding and manipulating available data for investigators to study, and bribery.
- No country has or will ever be able to rise thirty steps up in rank in a single year or two in the World Press Freedom Index, especially after introducing even more Draconian Laws restricting the Press.
- All such positive statements and statistics making Singapore look like a squeaky-clean country, and pretend it has never had even one single case of a corrupt judge, is simply impossible for any sane person to believe. This would mean Singapore is the only country in the world that has never had a corrupt Judge found guilty !!!
- Any observant person will notice, that there is no record on the internet index, mentioning a corrupt Singaporean Judge, for Singapore manages to smother all such blogs and articles and news, with its own fake propaganda. For this reason it is known by Human Rights Activists, as ‘Little North Korea’, and for Good Reason, as it keeps the truth from the World, just as much as Kim Jong Un does from his own people.
In Fact, Singapore’s Relations with North Korea go back a good half century.

Singaporean Corruption and its hidden Ties with North Korea – Singapore’s decision to host the Historic was influenced by many factors, including the fact that North Korea has held a comfortable relationship with Singapore for decades, at least since the time that Lee Kuan Yeow received Kang Yeong Wook, who visited Singapore, and mutual agreements were made between Singapore & the rogue Nation of North Korea.
I would like to add a quote from Mr Jason Fan’s blogpost on Mothership about this;
- Several Singaporeans have established their own businesses in North Korea itself, including fast food chains, and other business
- North Koreans also frequently visit Singapore for training programs on economic policies, law and entrepreneurship, largely through Singapore-based NGO Choson Exchange.
- Things took a turn in 2017, when Singapore suspended trade relations with North Korea due to strengthened sanctions imposed by the United Nations Security Council.
- However, the announcement was relatively low-key, and Singapore did so without condemning North Korea or its policies.
- Even in the aftermath of the sanctions, there seemed to be no apparent deterioration in relations between the two states, and the North Korean embassy in Singapore remained operational.
What are some of the many human rights issues in Singapore?
- Freedom of Assembly and Expression.
- Hiding and Deleting Legal Cases that might Embarrass Singapore, or Cause Sanctions or Affect their GDP
- Attacks on Human Rights Defenders, including the possible murder of dissidents covered up as natural deaths, or accidental deaths in house fires or the like.
- Freedom of Media.
- Criminal Justice System.
- Persecution of people with Specific Sexual Orientations and Gender Identities, such as Gay Men and Women, and Transgenders.
- Extreme Abuse of Migrant Workers and Labor Exploitation.
- Reluctance to Investigate Missing Persons, and Judicial Bias against Foreign Plaintiffs who Accuse Singaporean Nationals of Crimes or Civil Legal Offences
One of the strangest cases, and proof of Judicial Bias, Corruption and Wrongdoing is the Unlawful Deletion of Case FC/OSG 139/2015 Family Justice Guardianship of Infants Act, to Protect my son Angelo, which was unlawfully deleted by a Judge, after i paid 8000$SGD to file it, and stated I did not give permission to delete it, and intended to run the case acting in person, to address the Unlawful International Parental Abduction of my child, according to the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Parental Child Abduction. The Judge deleted my case, after the FJC Family Justice of Singapore had already received, and officially recognized my right to act in person.
The Judge still deleted my case in secret before it was heard, after hearing my statement that in no way would I agree to the deletion of the case, which can not be deleted unless I give a signed ‘Notice of Discontinuance‘ (NOD in their stupid language). My case was deleted to cover up my son’s abduction from the U.N. to protect Singapore’s Political Interests and save face that no such abomination had occurred in Singapore, when in truth, there were two International Parental Child Abductions in 2014 to Singapore, and neither of them were included in Singapore’s Compulsory report to the United Nations Compulsory Annual Report on both the Civil Aspects of International Parental Child Abduction, AND the World Convention on the Rights of the Child.
For Indeed, the Judges implicated in the illegal deletion of Case FC/OSG 139/2015 in the matter of the Guardianship of Infants, are Guilty of Depriving my Son Angelo from his Right ro article 10 of the Rights of the Child, and Covering up his Abduction through Retention. They cover this up to avoid including the event in the compulsory annual report they have to make to the U.N., for they are signatory nation to both treaties, and Singapore, hence hid my son’s abduction, ignored his rights to see his Father, and made him a fatherless child, technically imprisoned in his own country, deprived of his right to article ten of the rights of the child!
Every attempt I Made to add the Human Rights Watch Ranking, and Press Freedom of Speech Ranking to Wikipedia’s Page on Human Rights in Singapore, the paragraph was deleted every time, within one hour, proving that Singapore has an agent employed and allocated specifically to watch the Wikipedia ‘Human Rights in Singapore’ page, and redact it to delete any true facts that shame Singapore. Wikipedia has banned my ip address for trying to add TRUTH to the page various times, which leads me to believe that Wikipedia is in cahoots with various governments, and powerful ‘truth-benders’. Especially since recently a Netflix Documentary showed how Wikipedia sustained false information on various pages, redacting them back to their deceptive state, every time a public user edited in some truth that does not fit with the their Agenda.
How can Wikipedia Be Corrupt and Non Transparent? See Below Image and see for Yourself that Governments and Companies, Hire People to Fill it with Lies!
Examining the Role of the Government in Protecting Human Rights in Singapore.
Singapore is often touted as a shining example of a “model” Asian nation, but the reality is far less rosy. Despite the government’s claims to protect human rights, the reality is that these rights are severely and routinely violated. The government’s track record of protecting human rights is abysmal, and its rhetoric of doing so is little more than window dressing.
For starters, freedom of expression is severely curtailed in Singapore. The government routinely censors and bans books, films, and other forms of media that it deems inappropriate. The Internal Security Act allows for indefinite detention without trial for anyone deemed to be a threat to public order. The authorities have also repeatedly used defamation suits to silence critics and penalize those who speak out against the government.
But RSF.ORG has something different to say about Singapore and its Human Rights regarding Freedom of Press, which you can see in the below screenshots from the RSF.ORG page on the topic of Freedom of Press in Singapore.
The government has failed miserably to address the rights of citizens in many other areas. Workers are often subjected to exploitation, with wages that are far below the legal minimum, and with little to no protection from workplace hazards. The rights of minorities and indigenous people are also routinely violated. LGBT people face discrimination and persecution, and women’s rights are severely limited.
It is hence clear as glass, that the government of Singapore has failed to protect the human rights of its citizens, and Foreign Visitors rights, be they Migrant Workers, or Tourists, or Foreign Parents visiting their Child!
Singapore has instead chosen to pursue deceptive policies, that limit the rights of its citizens and silence any criticism. The government’s attempts to present itself as a progressive nation committed to protecting human rights is nothing more than a sham, that Singapore constantly works at hiding, by smothering negative news coverage and dissent on the internet. I myself hope that one day, Singapore will stand in the Court of Human Rights for its Wrongdoings against many of its citizens, and foreigners, including myself and my son.
I myself (Ajarn Spencer), was forced to delete a petition on for the return of my abducted son, under threat from the Singaporean Justice that “If I did not cease to criticize their judiciary, they would give me unfavorable rulings in my custody case for my son” (!!!). This means they threatened me corruptly as if to say ‘stop speaking truths about us in public or we are not going to let you see your son again’.. Thing is, they are so stupid and without care for children, that they did not see that they are not punishing the father only when they deprive him of his right to see the child. They abuse the rights of the child himself, by depriving him of HIS RIGHT to see his other parent, i this case, me the father.
Singapore covered up the abduction of my son, putting their need to keep a squeaky clean political image above the welfare of my child. They ruined bnoth my life and his, and got away with it. I Hence personally declare and accuse that Judge Rostinah Mohammed, and Judge Juthika Ramanathan of the Singaporean Justice are completely corrupt, and Guilty of Judicial Misconduct, and Treasonable Behavior, for covering up an International Parental child abduction, and unlawfully deleting and covering up a legal case, endangering the rights and welfare of my child, and also breaching my rights. It may be possible that it was also the Singaporean Government who had me kidnapped in the doorway of my airplane on return from Singapore from seeing my son for his birthday, on 28th August 2018 Flight TG403 Thai Airways. I was kidnapped before border control by six unidentified persons in black, and held at gunpoint in a sugar can field for an hour, stamped in illegally to Thailand, and then taken to Bang Lamung station in Pattaya and Framed with a Fake Case.
This of course, was intended to shut me up and put me away for life, as i was criticizing Singaporeean Justice on the www, and Singapore always silences its critics. This attempt to silence me and have me jailed for something I never did however, failed miserably.
For I was of course able to prove my innocence with facts, and also, unkown to the corrupt Thai Police who took Singapore’s money to try to ‘take me out’ of the picture for my online critique of their Judiciary, i had recorded the police speaking mutiple falseties and recorded videos of them misbehaving, and ended up filing an accusation against all 12 of them involved in my own kidnap, with the ministry of anti corruption of Thailand. However, it seems that Singapore even managed to get that silenced, as four years have passed since i filed it, and even hiring a lawyer to extract an answer from the Ministry has resulted in nothing. Hence, Singapore is not only ciorrupt, it attempts to murder or imprison anyone who criticizes its Judiciary, and even with foreigners, hiring mercenaries so as not to ‘poop in front of their own doorstep’ and have the news be in Thailand, instead of Singapore. This is a well-favored corrupt tactic of Singapore (and indeed most nations), as a way of a country being able to murder its enemies without raising suspicion as to itself. We sa=w this in the case of Kim Jong Un’s brother being murdered in Kuala Lumpur airport (which i also suspect to be a Singaporean Mission, due to largely unknown, but very real secret ties between Kim Jong Un and Singapore’s Prime Minister.
Exploring the Impact of Cultural and Religious Practices on Human Rights in Singapore.
Singapore is often touted as a shining example of multiculturalism and religious tolerance, but the impact of cultural and religious practices on human rights in the city-state is far from ideal. From the Singaporean government’s strict enforcement of the death penalty to its refusal to recognize same-sex marriages, Singapore’s disregard for human rights is clear as crystal!
The Singaporean government’s conservative stance on social and cultural issues is largely shaped by traditional religious beliefs. For instance, the death penalty is widely used as a form of punishment, and is often enforced for drug-related and capital offenses. This is largely due to the prominent role of religion in Singaporean society; many religious communities believe that the death penalty is an appropriate form of retribution for certain crimes.
At the same time, the government has taken a hardline stance against same-sex marriage, with the Ministry of Home Affairs citing religious beliefs as a justification for its decision. This is despite the fact that same-sex marriage is legal in a number of other countries, and the fact that the LGBT community is growing in Singapore.
Furthermore, the government’s approach to freedom of expression is highly restrictive. Media outlets are heavily censored, and those who are deemed to have crossed the line are subject to fines or even imprisonment. This is particularly concerning in light of the fact that freedom of expression is a fundamental human right.
Overall, it is clear that cultural and religious practices have a significant impact on human rights in Singapore. Despite its reputation for multiculturalism and religious tolerance, the government’s policies are often heavily shaped by traditional beliefs, leading to a lack of respect for basic human rights.
The Relationship between Human Rights and Economic Development in Singapore.
Singapore is often lauded for its remarkable economic success, with its rapid rise to become one of the world’s most prosperous nations. However, how has this economic development come at the expense of human rights? It’s no secret that Singapore’s government has routinely limited and denied its citizens basic human rights and freedoms. From suppressing freedom of speech to criminalizing homosexuality, the Singaporean government has created an environment where citizens are not free to express themselves or to pursue their own interests.
The government has long argued that such restrictions are necessary for economic development, claiming that too much freedom could disrupt the stability and prosperity of the nation. But is this really the case? After all, many of the world’s leading democracies—including the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom—are thriving and prosperous despite having more relaxed restrictions on human rights.
Moreover, the lack of respect for human rights in Singapore has had a negative impact on the people, leading to an atmosphere of fear and mistrust. Citizens are often afraid to speak out against the government, and those who do so risk being arrested or even detained without trial. This has resulted in a lack of public participation in politics, and a lack of trust in the government.
Ultimately, it is clear that the Singaporean government’s disregard for human rights is not only morally wrong, but also counter-productive to economic development. When citizens are denied basic rights, they are less likely to be productive members of society, and this can have a damaging effect on a nation’s economic growth. It is time for Singapore to recognize the importance of respecting human rights and to start protecting the freedoms of its citizens. Without this, it is unlikely that Singapore will continue to be a prosperous nation.
Analyzing the Effectiveness of Human Rights Education in Singapore.
Human rights education in Singapore is nothing more than a sham. It has been proven time and again to be an ineffective tool for instilling the values of respect and tolerance among the population, and the government does little to actually promote it. Instead, it has been used as a tool to maintain the status quo and keep people in line.
The government touts human rights education as a way to “mold responsible citizens,” yet it does nothing to actively support it. The only way for people to learn about human rights is through the education system, which often glosses over this important subject. This leaves students with little to no understanding of their rights or those of others. What’s worse, the government often actively suppresses information related to human rights, further limiting the population’s knowledge and awareness.
Moreover, human rights education in Singapore is often seen as a means of controlling the population rather than empowering them. The government is quick to point out the benefits of human rights education, yet it fails to recognize that it should also be used to promote freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, and other fundamental rights. As a result, the population remains largely unaware of the power of human rights and how it can be used to create positive change.
Ultimately, the government’s lack of commitment to human rights education in Singapore speaks volumes. It sends a message that human rights are not a priority and that the government is not invested in creating a society that respects and values them. Instead, it has been used as a means to maintain an oppressive status quo, and that is simply unacceptable.
Assessing the Impact of Existing Laws and Policies on Human Rights in Singapore.
Singapore’s strict laws and policies are supposedly designed to “maintain public order and security, protect the population from external threats and defend national interests,” but in reality, they have the opposite effect, often violating the human rights of individuals in the process. From the death penalty to the heavy-handed censorship of the internet, these laws and policies have had a devastating impact on human rights in the city-state.
The death penalty is one of the most egregious examples of how human rights are violated in Singapore. The government has long defended its use of capital punishment, claiming that it is a necessary deterrent to crime and that it allows justice to be served. However, this is a deeply flawed argument and completely ignores the fact that the death penalty is an irreversible punishment that has been proven to be ineffective in deterring crime. In addition, capital punishment is a violation of the right to life, one of the most fundamental human rights enshrined in international law.
Internet censorship is another major human rights concern in Singapore. The government has implemented a number of measures designed to restrict access to certain websites and online content. These measures include blocking certain websites, restricting access to certain online services, and even criminalizing certain types of online speech. All of these measures are in violation of the right to freedom of expression and have had a chilling effect on online discourse in the country.
Overall, the existing laws and policies in Singapore have had a damaging effect on human rights in the country. From the death penalty to internet censorship, these laws and policies have violated the basic rights of individuals and have had a severe impact on the country’s citizens. It is essential that the government takes steps to address these issues and ensure that human rights are respected and protected in the future.
Discussing the Role of Civil Society in Advocating for Human Rights in Singapore.
- Singapore’s civil society has often been praised for its “progressive” stance on human rights, but such accolades are more often than not just lip service. In reality, civil society in Singapore has a very limited role in advocating for human rights.
- In a society where the government is extremely resistant to any form of criticism, the idea of civil society being a powerful force in the promotion and protection of human rights seems like a farce. The authorities have made it clear that any attempts by civil society groups to speak out against the government’s policies or practices related to human rights will not be tolerated.
- The few civil society groups that have dared to take on the government’s human rights policies have been met with a heavy-handed response. They have been subjected to restrictive laws and regulations, such as the Public Order Act and the Films Act, which restrict their freedom of speech and assembly. Any protests or demonstrations are quickly shut down and the organisers are often arrested and charged with various offences.
- In Singapore, civil society is only allowed to operate within very narrow parameters set by the government. They are not permitted to take on any real advocacy role, and their activities are closely monitored. This means that they are unable to effectively challenge the government’s policies or practices related to human rights.
- It is clear that civil society in Singapore is not in a position to play a meaningful role in advocating for human rights. The government’s extreme aversion to criticism and its heavy-handed response to any attempts at dissent has effectively stifled civil society’s ability to act as a catalyst for change. For Singapore to truly become a leader in the advancement of human rights, the government must begin to respect the rights of civil society and allow them to play a meaningful role in advocating for human rights.
In conclusion, Singapore has established a strong legal framework and infrastructure to protect human rights in the country. The government has taken numerous steps to address challenges such as poverty, access to healthcare and education, and ensure a safe and secure environment for all citizens. However, there is still much work to be done to ensure that all individuals in Singapore are able to enjoy the full spectrum of their human rights. As the country continues to grow and develop, Singapore must strive to ensure that all people are treated with dignity and respect.