Thai Rice farmer's Children Learning the Family Profession they will one day Inherit

Questioning the Ideology of Mandatory Schooling: Human Rights or Indoctrination?

In a recent conversation with GPT-4, the AI language model, it suggested that linking a person’s profession to their surname was humorous. This statement revealed a fundamental misunderstanding of historical facts. Surnames like Smith, Carpenter, and others are indeed rooted in the professions of our ancestors. These names reflected trades that families passed down through generations, ensuring self-employment and autonomy. However, the AI’s response underscores a deeper issue: the loss of these professions and the autonomy they represented, which have been replaced by state-controlled education and corporate employment.

The Overton Window

The Overton Window: A Tool of Control

To understand how this shift occurred, we must consider the Overton Window, a concept describing the range of ideas tolerated in public discourse. The window shifts over time, influenced by those in power, to normalize certain ideologies while marginalizing others. Historically, as centralized power increased, the Overton Window shifted to favor state control over education and economic structures, pushing the idea of self-employment and family trades outside of what is considered acceptable or normal.

Diagram demonstrating The Overton Window

The Ideology of Mandatory Schooling

The modern belief that not sending children to school constitutes a human rights offense is a product of this shifting Overton Window. Historically, children were educated within their families, learning trades essential for their community’s survival. However, as feudalism and later the Industrial Revolution centralized economic power, the state established formal education systems to prepare individuals for roles within the corporate economy, rather than to foster true autonomy and self-sufficiency.

Manchurian VR headset

Manchurian VR headset – Everybody can be a Manchurian Candidate!

Is Mandatory Schooling a Human Rights Offense?

Critically examining this ideology reveals several key points:

Indoctrination vs. Education: Modern schooling systems often serve to indoctrinate rather than educate. The curriculum is standardized to fit the needs of a corporate economy, conditioning children to accept authority and conform to societal norms. Critical thinking and creativity are often stifled, producing individuals who are prepared to be employees rather than autonomous, self-reliant individuals.

Economic Dependency: Formal education frequently leads to significant debt, binding students to an economic system that profits from their labor. This cycle of debt and employment creates a modern form of slavery, where individuals are economically dependent on the very system that exploits them.

Loss of Ancestral Knowledge: Prioritizing formal education over family-based learning has led to the loss of traditional trades and ancestral knowledge. Skills that once ensured family and community self-sufficiency are now seen as outdated, diminishing the autonomy and cultural heritage that come from these practices.

The Right to Choose: Labeling non-compliance with mandatory schooling as a human rights offense strips parents of their right to choose the best education for their children. It criminalizes traditional practices that have sustained families for generations, enforcing a one-size-fits-all model that often fails to meet the unique needs of each child.

Loss of Inheritance Assets, Loss of Family Business?

Reclaiming Educational Autonomy

We must question the current ideology that formal schooling is the only valid form of education. Recognizing that this belief has been shaped by the Overton Window allows us to see it as a tool of control rather than an absolute truth. By expanding the window to include diverse educational practices, we can reclaim the autonomy to educate our children in ways that honor our traditions and meet our unique needs.

In The Sovereign Individual: Mastering the Transition to the Information Age by James Dale Davidson and William Rees-Mogg, the authors argue that the digital revolution will empower individuals to reclaim autonomy and reduce dependence on traditional state structures. This vision aligns with the call to re-evaluate the role of formal education in our lives. The authors foresee a future where technological advancements allow individuals to operate independently of national governments, making use of digital currencies, decentralized networks, and global markets to enhance personal freedom and security.

Ignorant Buffalo and Educated Children.. or not?

Ignorant Buffalo and Educated Children.. or not?

A Call to Action:

The belief that not sending children to formal schools is inherently wrong is a product of a controlled narrative. We must critically evaluate the role of formal education in our society, recognizing that if it serves to indoctrinate and enslave rather than educate and liberate, it is not fulfilling its intended purpose. By challenging this dominant narrative, we can expand our understanding of education and provide our children with the tools they need to lead free, fulfilling, and autonomous lives.

Which education does your child need?

Which education does your child need?

It is time to reclaim the right to choose how we educate our children. The historical connection between surnames and professions reminds us of a time when families were self-sufficient and trades were passed down through generations. The Sovereign Individual illustrates how the digital age can facilitate a return to such autonomy. We must strive to restore this autonomy, resisting the forces that seek to control and exploit us through state-controlled education and economic dependency. Only then can we ensure a future where education empowers rather than enslaves, and where our children inherit not just a job, but a legacy of independence and self-reliance.


Thai Farmers and country folk are told that their kids would be better off with a state educatiuon, and this is how so many people lose the livelihoods their families have inherited for generations.

The Grand Deception “All Children Have the Right to got to School” (No..All Children have the Right to the Appropriate Education for their Specific Case!). Thai Farmers and country folk are told that their kids would be better off with a state education, and this is how so many people lose the livelihoods, which their families have inherited for generations.

A Buddhist Monk Forgets his Precepts

“If you look at your face in the mirror every day, you don’t see yourself getting older “

The Overton Window

What is presented as ethical changes with regeneration, then ethics have no meaning.

If we view the changes of societal norms and ethical standards over human history, we can see, that what was once considered unethical, can gradually morph into common practice, often without individuals even realizing the shift has occurred. This phenomenon is exemplified by the normalization of manipulation in influencing public perception, beliefs, and reactions, particularly through tailored news and media.

The Overton window, a concept that defines the range of ideas and policies deemed acceptable within a society at a given time, plays a pivotal role in shaping ethical boundaries. As societal attitudes and values evolve, so too does the Overton window, expanding the realm of what is considered permissible or even expected behavior.

In the millennial era, the proliferation of digital media and the rise of social platforms have fundamentally transformed the way information is disseminated and consumed. With the click of a button, individuals can access a wealth of news and content tailored to their interests and preferences. However, this unprecedented access to information has also facilitated the spread of biased or misleading narratives, often driven by ulterior motives or political agendas.

Diagram demonstrating The Overton Window

What was once deemed unethical—manipulating public opinion through selective presentation of information—has become commonplace in today’s media landscape. News agencies, corporations, and even individuals leverage the power of tailored messaging to influence perceptions, beliefs, and reactions on a massive scale. This deliberate manipulation, whether through sensationalized headlines, selective framing of stories, or targeted advertising, has become ingrained in the fabric of modern communication.

But how did we arrive at this point? The normalization of manipulation can be attributed to a combination of factors, including technological advancements, changing societal norms, and the gradual erosion of ethical boundaries. With the advent of digital media, information dissemination has become democratized, allowing for greater diversity of voices and perspectives. However, this democratization has also led to a proliferation of misinformation and propaganda, blurring the lines between truth and fiction.

Corporate Idiot

Moreover, the relentless pursuit of profit and power has incentivized media outlets and corporations to prioritize engagement and clicks over journalistic integrity. Sensationalism sells, and the race for viewership and ad revenue has led to the prioritization of sensational headlines and clickbait content, often at the expense of accuracy and impartiality.

At the same time, societal attitudes toward manipulation have shifted, driven in part by the normalization of deceptive marketing tactics and the blurring of lines between advertising and content. In an age where influencers peddle products and ideologies to millions of followers, authenticity and transparency have taken a backseat to persuasion and influence.

In this environment, the concept of ethical behavior has become increasingly murky, with individuals and institutions alike embracing manipulation as a means to an end. What was once considered unethical—attempting to brainwash others into believing a certain narrative—has become accepted as common practice, perpetuated by the collective amnesia of a generation bombarded with tailored messaging and biased content.

It is not difficult to come to the conclusion then, that the normalization of manipulation in influencing public perception and beliefs, represents an extremely troubling ethical shift in the millennial era. As societal norms continue to evolve and the Overton window expands, it is imperative that we remain vigilant in challenging manipulative tactics and promoting transparency and accountability in communication. Only then can we hope to reclaim the ethical boundaries that have been eroded by the pervasive influence of tailored news and media.

Perceiving Reality as Illusion

The Nexus of Freewill and Instinct in Human Behavior: A Comprehensive Analysis for Human Sciences Scholars

Does AI carry the biases and ego of its programmers?


This academic essay delves into the intricate interplay between freewill and instinct in human behavior, exploring the influence of natural selection, human instinct, animal instinct, aerial instinct, and mindfulness. Through an extensive examination of philosophical and scientific perspectives, we seek to unravel the complexities of human behavior and its roots in evolutionary heritage. This comprehensive analysis aims to contribute to the discourse among anthropologists, human sciences students, and graduates, shedding light on the enigmatic relationship between our instinctual impulses and conscious decision-making.

A.I. Simulates a Conversation with Sigmund Freud and Adolf Grünbaum

Human behavior, shaped by eons of evolutionary processes, is a fascinating multi-disciplinarian idea, that weaves together instinctual responses and the capacity for conscious decision-making. The essence of this essay lies in comprehending the subtle balance between freewill and instinct that underpins our actions. Through the lenses of natural selection, human instinct, animal instinct, aerial instinct, and mindfulness, we embark on a rigorous exploration of this intricate subject matter.

Mating Dances

The Genesis of Human Instinct

Section 1:

1.0 Natural Selection and Evolutionary Heritage:
A thorough analysis of human instincts requires an understanding of natural selection and its profound impact on our evolutionary heritage. Drawing insights from evolutionary psychology, we investigate how survival instincts developed in our ancestors continue to influence human behavior today.

1.1 The Thread of Human Instinct:
Human instinct, encompassing fight-or-flight responses, social bonding, and procreation, serves as a pivotal thread in the fabric of our behavior. We delve into the ancestral roots of human instincts and explore how they resonate in modern societal contexts.

Transformation within Nature

Section 2: Unity in Diversity – Instincts Across Species

2.0 Uniting with Animal Instinct:
Acknowledging our shared ancestry with the animal kingdom, we explore the continuity of instincts across species. Comparative studies reveal intriguing parallels in animal behaviors, prompting a closer examination of the underlying genetic and environmental factors.

2.1 Aerial Instinct: The Enigma of Migration:
The fascinating concept of aerial instinct emerges, captivating researchers with the navigational feats of migratory birds. We investigate the mysteries surrounding these exceptional instincts and ponder their implications for our understanding of human behavior.

Section 3: Unraveling the Illusion of Freewill

3.0 Nature vs. Nurture: A Complex Conundrum:
In our quest for freewill, we encounter the intricate web of nature versus nurture. By analyzing the interplay of genetics, environmental influences, and cultural conditioning, we seek to determine the extent to which freewill prevails amidst the tapestry of instinct.

3.1 Mindfulness: The Gateway to Conscious Awareness:
A transformative tool in our exploration, mindfulness and conscious awareness enable us to observe instinctual processes without immediate reactivity. We examine how mindfulness practices facilitate conscious choice and ethical alignment, shedding light on the potential to resist instinctual impulses.

Here are some working examples of how to use applied Mindfulness Practices as a Gateway to Conscious Awareness;

The Serene Buddha

Example 1: Mindful Breathing for Emotional Regulation

One of the fundamental ways to apply mindfulness and enable the observation of instinctual processes without immediate reactivity is through focused breathing. By incorporating mindful breathing techniques, individuals can create a space between the instinctual triggers and their reactions. In moments of stress or intense emotions, they can pause, take a few deep breaths, and bring their attention to the sensations of the breath entering and leaving the body.

Perceiving Instincts

Imagine a situation where you receive a critical email from a colleague that triggers anger and frustration. Instead of impulsively firing off a reactive response, you take a mindful approach. You acknowledge the emotions rising within you but choose not to act on them immediately. You sit comfortably, focus on your breath, and let the initial wave of reactivity subside. This practice of mindful breathing allows you to step back from the instinctual urge to retaliate and gain clarity on a more appropriate and constructive response.

Example 2: Mindful Body Scan for Awareness of Physical Sensations

Another way to cultivate mindfulness and observe instinctual processes without immediate reactivity is through the practice of a mindful body scan. This technique involves intentionally directing your attention to different parts of your body, noticing any physical sensations without judgment.

Consider a situation where you find yourself in a conflict with a friend, and your instinctual response is to withdraw or avoid the issue. Instead of acting on this instinct, you decide to do a mindful body scan. As you pay attention to the sensations in your body, you may notice tension in your chest or a knot in your stomach. By acknowledging these bodily responses without judgment, you become more attuned to the emotions driving your instinctual reaction. This heightened awareness empowers you to consciously choose whether to act on the impulse or respond in a more balanced and thoughtful manner.

Example 3: Mindful Observance of Thoughts for Detachment

Mindfulness also involves observing your thoughts without immediate identification or attachment to them. It’s about cultivating a sense of detachment from your thought patterns, allowing you to recognize that thoughts are not necessarily facts and need not dictate your actions.

Suppose you find yourself in a situation where you receive unexpected feedback on a project you’ve been working on. Your instinctual response, might be to feel personally attacked and defensive. However, with mindfulness, you can practice observing those thoughts as they arise. You notice the inner dialogue of self-criticism and insecurity but choose not to become entangled in it immediately. By staying present and non-reactive to these thoughts, you gain the mental space to assess them objectively. This self-awareness, provides an opportunity to respond from a place of clarity and consider constructive feedback, rather than react impulsively with defensiveness.

Perpetual Mindfulness

By incorporating mindfulness practices such as mindful breathing, body scanning, and observance of thoughts, individuals can develop the capacity to observe instinctual processes without immediate reactivity. Through these techniques, individuals create a mental space for conscious choice and ethical alignment, empowering them to respond thoughtfully rather than react impulsively to life’s challenges. Mindfulness truly becomes the gateway to conscious awareness, illuminating the potential to resist instinctual impulses and foster personal growth and positive change.

Section 4: The Path to Freewill – The Enlightened Mind

Insights from Philosophies like Buddhism: Drawing inspiration from philosophical traditions like Buddhism, we consider the concept of an “enlightened mind.” We explore the potential of transcending instinctual impulses through rigorous mental training, which may offer glimpses of freewill. The intricacies of human behavior and the interplay of freewill and instinct remain multifaceted. The Human journey into the realms of natural selection, human instinct, animal instinct, aerial instinct, and mindfulness has illuminated the profound complexity of human existence. The quest for freewill beckons us towards introspection and contemplation, challenging us to discern the subtle influences of instinct in our conscious choices.

Enlightenment is Beyond Beyond Beyond

This essay intends to serve, as a comprehensive reference for anthropologists, human sciences students, and University Graduates, providing a deeper understanding of the enigmatic relationship between freewill and instinct. As we embrace the vastness of this subject matter, we continue our pursuit of knowledge, contributing to the ever-evolving discourse in the human sciences domain.

Blind Men and the Elephant

Once upon a time, in a small village nestled at the foot of a majestic mountain, there lived a wise teacher named Siddhartha. He was known as the Buddha, the awakened one. People from far and wide sought his guidance, hoping to find answers to the mysteries of life.

One day, a group of curious villagers gathered around the Buddha under the shade of a banyan tree. Eager to learn, they asked him about the nature of truth and the validity of different views. The Buddha, with a serene smile, began to share a parable:

Thai Buddha in Pagoda Vihara

“In a lush valley, there lived three blind men who had never encountered an elephant before. Hearing of this magnificent creature, they wished to understand what it was like. The village elders, aware of their curiosity, decided to bring an elephant to the valley.

The first blind man, with his hands outstretched, touched the elephant’s sturdy leg. Feeling the rough and sturdy skin, he exclaimed, ‘An elephant is like a sturdy tree trunk!’

The second blind man reached out and grasped the swaying tail. Feeling its coarse and wiry strands, he confidently said, ‘No, an elephant is like a thick rope!’

The third blind man extended his hand and encountered the elephant’s long, curved tusk. He felt the smooth, cool surface and declared, ‘You’re both mistaken! An elephant is like a solid, sharp spear!’

Impermeable Buddha

The villagers, observing this, burst into laughter. Each blind man held onto their own partial truth, unable to perceive the entirety of the magnificent elephant.

In this parable, we can understand that our views are like those of the blind men. They are limited, conditioned, and subjective. Just as the blind men couldn’t grasp the fullness of the elephant, our own understanding is shaped by our experiences, biases, and perceptions.

The Serene Buddha

Buddha taught that all views are wrong views, because they are incomplete and fallible. Even the view that ‘all views are wrong’ is itself a view. It’s an irony, highlighting the inherent limitations of conceptual understanding.

The Buddha encouraged his disciples not to cling rigidly to any fixed view, for doing so would obstruct the path to liberation. Instead, he advised them to cultivate a mind of openness, curiosity, and deep awareness. By transcending the limitations of views, they could experience the world directly, beyond the constraints of conditioned perception.

Biomechanic Buddha in the style of H.R. Giger

Let us learn from the parable of the blind men and the elephant. Let us realize the wisdom that comes from recognizing the imperfections of our views. By cultivating a humble and receptive mind, we can inch closer to understanding the vastness of truth, beyond the confines of our limited perspectives.”

Note; “Did the Buddha really tell this Parable?”; Nobody really knows, but the meaning and moral within the fable remains valid, and that is what matters.

As I say, in my description to this playlist, titled “life advice”; “I do not believe anybody is capable of giving good life advice to others. But seeing as everybody’s doing it, I might as well myself.”

as I post this, I just uploaded a video titled “on identity crisis”. To which I commented “Conditioning is Becoming, and social conditioning leads to an identity crisis for many people. 30% of humanity is likely to develop some form of anxiety during their lifetime. I consider no human to be qualified to give life advice to others. But many people do. This video gets added to my “life advice” section of my website on.
However, I do not claim it to be good advice. It’s more of a philosophical game of cards you can play solitaire with. ”

anyway, for better or worse here is my life advice channel on YouTube. Take it with a pinch of salt. Or pepper if you prefer.

The Secret of the 33rd Degree Mason, & the Resonance of Mind that is Awakened;

Perhaps this talk does not reveal the true secret given to a Free and Accepted Mason of a Lodge during his Mystery Play Initiation as a 33rd degree freemason, but it is still very important  Masonic Lecture by Grand Master Manly P. Hall, valid for everybody around the world when we look at hos he describes the world and the Human Zeitgeist (Mindset). It is the Human Mindset, that has fallen into disarray and out of resonance with Mother Nature, and diverted our path towards self destruction, and Social Decline, which leads to the Fall of Civilizations.

The Lecture was made many years ago, even before Ecology was a Public Issue, and before the Moon Landing, but is almost more relevant today in 2021, than it was way back when in the time that he spoke these great words. One can consider the lecture a true criticism of the democratic capitalist system, and industrialism, and FIAT based non-hard-asset based economies (The Monetary System).

A hint at how humanity went wrong in its thinking (like when Cain Slew Abel, and left the Sons of Seth to continue to inherit the Earth, and the Sons of Cain to Perish in the Great Flood)… And a hint at how our minds should return to resonating WITH nature, not in Conflict with it 

Proof that Humanity has taken a wrong turn along the line, and is about to pay with Social Decline and perhaps Mass Extinction. It is also possible, that if we the population of the World, allow our unenlightened and uneducated leaders to continue to perpetuate their methods, we may be doomed, unless we return to living with Nature, and give up the desires for things described by Grand master Hall in his Lecture, and indeed by Jiddu Krishnamurti in his Talk included below in this blogpost.

The Year Earth Changed


The Year Earth Changed is a nature documentary that begins with a striking image from the earliest days of the pandemic: A nearly empty and mostly silent Times Square sets the scene for a film that examines the huge impact COVID had, not on us, but on the world itself. The documentary makes a convincing case that the coronavirus pandemic gave the planet a needed break.

The 48-minute documentary debuts on Apple TV+ on April 16, ahead of Earth Day, and it has a simple conceit. Yes, the pandemic has wreaked all kinds of havoc on humanity. But for animals and nature, a year of us humans largely staying home has provided an unexpected boon. (Source; Apple Insider Review)

This gives us a clue as to how we should be truly living, with nature, not in conflict with it

The Resonance of Mind that is Awakened.

Why Are We Truly Here?

If you wish to begin to understand, then you could benefit by listening to the ascended Thai Buddhist Master, Ajahn Chah;

Are we going through the greatest deception in history? And is it due to our own lack of will and mindfulness? Or is it down to the Evil Agendas of those who Rule, Control and Condition the Minds of the Masses? Are we born all unenlightened and all equally to blame for this mess we have got into? Where the world and nature is fighting back and we face Mass Extinction? Or is it due to certain self-supposedly ‘Awakened’ Individual Groups (yeah they think they are, but if they were, they wouldn’t be behaving like they do)?


Want to Investigate More in Full? – Download the Secret Teachings of All Ages by Manly P. Hall.

Manly.P.Hall_The.Secret Teachings.of All Ages

Place Importance on the stories/myths in this post, and try to make your choices as to how you are to learn to live on with Planet Earth, Mother Nature and the Algorithm of Evolution within Nature, in its self created deep-learning code of self learning

If we cannot learn to adapt and renounce the luxuries and technologies we have created to destroy nature, and our own chances of future survival as a race, then we are most certainly doomed to seeing the end of Civilization, and almost certainly nearly total Mass Extinction.

If anybody is to survive what is to come, and is already has begun its process, with only the meek who went off-grid, returning to natural living, & hopefully, inheriting the earth that remains after the proverbial ‘shit hits the fan’. This is meant Ecologically, Socially, Spiritually, Politically, and economically speaking.

I now leave you with a talk about some of the related issues in this post, beginning with some talk about the supposed worldwide plastic bans, which were all over all news channels worldwide in 2019-2020, & suddenly disappeared with the appearance Covid Pandemic, and the overblown promises made by governments about the banning of Carbon Emission Vehicles by 2030, and achieving Zero Carbon Emissions by 2050, and why i say this is a deception, or an erroneous assumption by governments, and is impossible to achieve.

backwards to us is not backwards to other observers.

I have a Grand Disagreement with the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics, and the Theory of the Arrow of Time, which compels me to post about this ‘Matter’ (being to do with the Material Universe and the Laws of Quantum Physics/Mechanics). There is no net increase in entropy, rather, a constant re-balancing and rearrangement of material forms, within the rules of cause and effect. This topic is also related to Evolutionary Sciences, and the algorithms of Natural Selection. I also disagree with the theory of ‘The Arrow of Time“.

To Begin with i would like to show a video of a clip from a documentary by a Great Modern British Scientist and TV Personality whom i admire and respect, and see as ‘The Next Sir Richard Attenborough”, for the way he has made science interesting to the younger generation again, and his wonderful way of explaining and describing things, as well as the fantastic production editing of his team.

The first false assumption Brian makes about the Law of Entropy, Chaos and Order, is that he is creating ‘Order’ when he builds the sandcastle. he is not creating ‘Order’, rather, is only under the impression that his disturbance of the natural fractal patterns of the dunes, is orderly, and that the fractal dunes, are chaotic. This is as false a view, as the view that the dunes are orderly, and the sandcastle is chaotic. All views are subjective, and hence, not objective (false, for they are contextual in nature).

Castles in the Sand - Palaces of Stardust

Castles in the Sand – Palaces of Stardust

The Buddha did not have views, for he said that all views are false, and hence, paradoxically, the only view that the Buddha held to be true, is that all views are false views, except right view, which is the view that there is no self, and all things are impermanent, conditioned in nature, and dis-satisfactory because of that. We have Dualistic minds, and find it hard to open the curtains, lift the veils of Illusion so to speak, and see beyond our own perspective, which is subjective, not objective

Now i continue with this share of a Ted Talk which addresses some of the issues i have with the second law of thermodynamics; “The History of the World in 18 Minutes”

The video is from one of the team who made one of my favorite History Channel documentaries; ‘Big History’ which takes an alternative approach to viewing history and the interconnections between everything.

To quote this video which belongs to the staunch belief in the second law of thermodynamics (Entropy Theory) “David Christian narrates a complete history of the universe, from the Big Bang to the Internet, in a riveting 18 minutes. This is “Big History”: an enlightening, wide-angle look at complexity, life and humanity, set against our slim share of the cosmic timeline. “

“I keep reiterating that focusing on an iceberg dissolving, or a sandcastle disintegrating or a rock eroding, does not show entropy is the direction of things. The iceberg was first constructed, as was the mountain before it eroded, as was the sandcastle. And so, everything lies in a constant state of rearrangement, of construction and deconstruction (constant flux), but both creation and entropy go hand in hand, for no thing can exist without its own opposite! We see a sandcastle dissolve into the fractal-like orderly but never repeating patterns of the sand dunes of the desert, and think disorder is in effect, when in truth, the desert, is merely rearranging the disorderly sandcastle,, which despite human conditioned thought perceiving it as ‘the orderly part’. is in fact the disorderly chaotic part, and the desert is reclaiming it and rearranging it back into its Natural ORDER of things, which is namely dunes, and ripples on the dunes, which move like the ripples on the ocean, and have no permanence or un-changing-ness to them. If entropy were the only direction the material universe travels in, then an iceberg or a planet or an element, or a complex structure such as DNA would never have come into existence.”

Related Links

We may see cancer as entropy of our own health, but for the cancer genome, it is in process of construction and adaptation (evolution through rearrangement). So both Entropy and Construction/Creation, are seeming processes (false and Dualistic conditioned views), where in truth, there is only rearrangement, but no construction and deconstruction (creation and entropy).

“Chaos and Order, much like Beauty, Only Exist, in the Eye of the Beholder”.

Complex Landscapes of somatic rearrangement in human breast cancer genomes.

Algorithms In A.I. and the Code of Self Learning in Selective Adaptation (Evolution – Nature’s Algorithm)

The first law of thermodynamics tells us that energy is conserved. However, the absence of the process, indicates that conservation of energy is not the whole story. If it were, movies run backwards would look perfectly normal to us! Have you ever observed this process, a broken cup spontaneously reassembling and rising up onto a table? This process could conserve energy and other laws of thermodynamics and enrgy mechanics.

Maybe movies don’t run backwards to us, but who is to say that the way we perceive things, and measure things, is the only way things are going? A person on 520 megahertz CB radio channel 9 won’t hear what some people on channel 7 were talking about, would they? At least not unless they changed frequency of perception.

Slideplayer Discusssion Thread on the second law of thermodynamics

Everyone is Crunching Data, and Big Data, to render Stats, or better said in real English ‘Statistics’ are as far as most people understand, some kind of ‘Proof’ of something, that is ‘/Proved’ by using Data to Present a Positive or Negative result or effect. The Stats which are used so commonly today, which are made by analysts, read by analysts, and presented to people all over the world who don’t even understand how the stats were gathered, in order to convince them of something, that is in principle, ‘Hot Air’, or as we say in Spanish ‘Una Fantasma’  (nothing resembling what it appears to be).This conditions people into believing that opinions or limited data is ‘Fact’. This has an indirect effect on our future Evolution as a special, be it social, ethical or genetic, because of how it is influen cing our society and ethics, and how we interpret and deal with things, based on Crunched Data from so called ‘Expert Analysts’

A good Example would be to quote Time Magazine about Donals Trump’s Tweet about the Puerto Rico Tornado, which used mention of stats, after a second analysis by a George Washington University changed the number of deaths from 60+ to nearly 3000.. now thats a big difference in ‘stats’!!!

Donald Trump Tweet Tornado Death Toll Stats

Of course, in this case, the low stats were to avoid having to pay for aid, and to play down the seriosity, and save money. This was because Trump was not clever enough as Obama, who during the Haiti Disaster, set up a money stealing laundering scheme for the soft hearted asking to “dial some number (at lots of cost per sms) to donate 100$ to the storm fund so they can steal it, and give some stats to pretend it actually got used to help people”

Stats could be used to gain more accurate conclusions about things, but unfortunately, due to Human greed, Anger and Ignorance, Stats, are almost always used to cover up things, not reveal things, or to present things in a deceptive way, to sell an idea.

The Haiti Fund was a scam where almost all of the funds were spent by organisations middle men and corrupt officials.. For example, the Red Cross Spent 25 Percent Of Haiti Donations On Internal Expenses  – In general, the Red Cross itself doesn’t know how much money it spent on each project in Haiti because of a “complex, yet inaccurate” accounting system, the report found.

Investigation of American Red Cross

“Registered Charities are all a Scam Anyway, i Never Donate to Registered Charities, since i grew up with my Father5’s Con Men around me, and know how Con Men prey on Bleeding Hearts.”

In Search Of The Red Cross’ $500 Million In Haiti Relief

So what is the difference between reality and ‘stats’? A BIG one, i can tell you. Stats are merely hot air that companies sell ideas to rich companies, and advertisers, but never reflect the truth, because, they only take a limited set of questions and parameters into consideration..

As 9999 people in Harlem a 10 question survey, and then go to New England and knock on the Man sion House doors and ask 9999 white people, and you wont get the same answers… so the question ‘what do Americans think about the fact that more black peole get convicted than white people’ would produce different opinions in each group….

5 Ways Statistics can be used to Lie to You Every Day

As to webstats.. Facebook Pixel uses a method to track arrivals at your shopping cart checkout in online store websites, and will show you stats based on that, if you advertise with Facebook (or Google or whoever). If you advertise, you get a stats page which shows you how many people arrived at the checkout cart.. Facebook once charged me 200$ for 600 checkout arrivals, in an advertsiing campaign in a month when only 60 people bought something, and i knew all of them, (repeat customers), and none of them came from Facebook. Every time i advertised on Facebook, in fact, my monthly earnings dropped to even half of when i do not advertise (which i do not do anymore since then).

Facebook Ads Are Deceptive to the Advertiser AND the End User

So who were the supposed 600 arrivals at checkout?

The same ‘people’ who caused my VPN server to crash in mid 2018 when i migrated my websites from Bluehost to Dreamhost hosting; Namely ‘BOTS’.

It is reported that bot traffic now accounts for 56% of all traffic on a typical website

Facebook classes a google bot or a yahoo bot or a bing bot as a person or at least an ‘arrival’ on the website. The 600 checkouts were almost if not ALL Bots scouring the web and every url on my and other people’s websites…  I also asked each customer that month ‘how did you find me’ if they were not old customers, and they all said ‘Google’ So i paid 200$ and Facebook sent me NULL people, and registered 600 google bots, and tells me they sent 600 people to me!

“Smart bots have taken over. Now a bot can process JavaScript (and potentially Google Analytics), in a similar way to a real human’s web browser. And it’s a good thing too: if today’s search engine crawlers could not process JavaScript, much of the human-readable web would be hidden from search engines.” (Luna Metrics).


Stats MY ASS! – to Quote Science Blogs; Numbers don’t lie, but they tell a lot of half-truths. We have been raised to think that numbers represent absolute fact, that in a math class there is one and only one correct answer. But less emphasis is put on the fact that in the real world numbers don’t convey any information without units, or some other frame of reference. The blurring of the line between the number and the quantity has left us vulnerable to the ways in which statistics can deceive us. By poorly defining or incorrectly defining numbers, contemporary audiences can be manipulated into thinking opinions are fact.

I personally like the Thought Experiment from the Fallicy Files Website in its ‘Base Rate Fallicy’ page, which says ;

Thought Experiment:

“Suppose that the rate of disease D is three times higher among homosexuals than among heterosexuals, that is, the percentage of homosexuals who have D is three times the percentage of heterosexuals who have it. Suppose, further, that Pat is diagnosed with the disease, and this is all that you know about Pat. In particular, you don’t know anything else about Pat’s sexual orientation; in fact, you don’t even know whether Pat is male or female. What is the likelihood that Pat is homosexual?”


Related Links;

The Base Rate Fallicy

85% of Statistics are False or Misleading

13 Ways Facebook Tries to Trick You With Ads

Example of False Information by Paid Bloggers to disseminate viral trending beliefs (Fake News), and promote the use of chatbots (which are dumb, and a pain in the ass, but whose developers are paying bloggers to convince big companies and businesses they need to pay for such services

Top Ten Messenger Bot FAQs (Deceptive Facebook Sponsored Paid Blogpost)

List of services that conttribute to creating false beliefs and trends through paid blogging, which is used by rich companies like Facebook, Instagram, and Top Infuential news websites and Blog (Taken in 2017 from Forbes study)

Forbes published a list of ten of the highest earning blogs in the world:

Huffington Post – $14,000,000 per month
Endgadget – $5,500,000 per month
Moz – $4,250,000 per month
TechCrunch – $2,500,000 per month
Mashable – $2,000,000 per month
CopyBlogger – $1,000,000 per month
Perez Hilton – $575,000 per month
Gizmodo – $325,000 per month
Smashing Magazine – £250,000 per month
Tuts+ – $175,000


It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than a rich man to enter heaven – But a Mindful Person, who is diligent in his Practice, and learns to renounce Materiality, may attain the Path, Be He Rich or Poor.

Topic; “The GURU” (Fake and Real);

Osho Rajneesh Rolls Royce and Devotees

Osho Rajneesh Rolls Royce and Devotees

This time we put one of the richest Gurus in Modern History, Rajneesh; A Very clever conman – a very rich one…. with Mijja Dhitti (False Views)

Never heard a word of wisdom or Dhamma from his mouth. And he reiterates how luxury and wealth is his way to happiness.  But if you examine the inner mind and heart, if you notice  the presence of suffering within (comes and goes in greater and lesser levels),, and that most of the mental and emotional sufferings and dissatisfactions we all experience (even Kings and Queens, and Gurus like Rajneesh), come from attachment and clinging to material things, ideologies and religious beliefs, ethics, selfishness. Rajneesh Owns 93 Rolls Royces

Osho Rajneesh Fake Guru

Osho Rajneesh Fake Guru

If one examines within, one will see that however rich you are, it wont make you happy, because true happiness does not require riches or poverty.. it just requires right view, (Samma Dhitti), which this fellow (Rajneesh) doesnt have yet.

his fast breathing teaching is the same as the ajarn sak yant who know that this in combination with clash of sounds causes trance… its part of the brainwashing process and of spiritual domination of people. Any Ajarn tells you to breathe deep fast and strongly as you receive blessings is a conman.. refuse to do that real deep fast breathing….

Breath Should Be Natural. Mindful Observance of Breath is the Mission

That is not the way.. remain calm, breathe naturally, and focus on your mantra or point of meditative focus which works best (chant inwardly ‘Buddho’ or whatever you feel.. ‘jesus’ ‘allah’ ‘peace’ whatever you prefer.. but for gods sake dont do erratic fast breathing when being treated, tattooed or blessed or taught to meditate by such ‘Gurus’. The fact that Rajneesh was a Hypnotist before he left India is also something to consider about how he can influence the Views (Dhitti) of his audience..

Samma Dhitti (Right View)

“Beggars and Pooor People cannot come to me because they cannot understand him so its natural that he is the rich man’s Guru’.. well all the enlightened Buddhas were mendicant beggars, and all of them were without possessions, and taught the path to the end of suffering – This dude teaches how to be reborn as an animal, hungry ghost, or asura monster or hell being, but the Buddhas taught how to practice to be never reborn as any of those, and only be reborn as a Deva (angelic being), a Human, or to Reach Nibbana. 

To intercede a little with my own ‘Views’ (Dhitti), i would say that i feel that the Tathagatha (Buddha as he referred to Himself), did not possess any views, or have a view,  for he held that all views are ‘points of view’ or ‘personal’ and limited, subjective and not objective, and hence, false views (Mijja Dhitti). “Oh but that is a View in Itself”! I hear you Thinking; Well, one could say that the Only View which the Lord Buddha Had, was that all Views are Wrong Views. This is indeed part of having Right View (Samma Dhitti ).

Samma Dhitti is one of the eight factors of the Noble Eightfold Path Taught by Lord Buddha

The Title Says it All

This guy taught to cling to sensual pleasures and advocated it. he did not see the truth that clinging and desire to impermanent things is the root of suffering and rebirth in realms of suffering, and illusion. He has 90 rolls royces, but he could sell them to educate the poor.. of course this is pointless to indicate, as everyone knows he was a con man

Sometimes people send me messages saying “Ajarn i want to make a donation to you” – No thanks i dont need them as i sell ebooks and amulets as my right profession, and use afilliate marketing (adsense and youtube earnings), to finance myself, and not take money from Looksit or subscribers or wellwishers or students… – True Guru only bestows knowledge wisdom and spirituality but does not allow an institution to arise around him…. Here is one of what most people think is a Guru …. the comments will show some other ‘Gurus’ who are about as rich and famous as Oprah Winfrey and live justr as luxuriously….. 

This teaching below from Ajarn Amaro, is the real reason for not seeking sensual pleasures, and why Rajneesh has 90 Rolls Royces instead of Spiritual Enlightenment. Buddha was happy with nothing, but if Rajneesh was made to live under a tree in the mosquito ridden Jungle, he would soon break apart, proving his lack of self mastery, and love of the cause of rebirth (attachment to sensual pleasures)

I think that people like to hear what they prefer to believe…

If you tell people they will win the lottery within a month after a blessing, and the devotee adds extra donations to the box.. a month later he wonders where his win is…- its with the Ajarn who spent it already or put it on his bank.

Give your children your money, not your Guru.

Death May be the Greatest of all Human Blessings

Death May be the Greatest of all Human Blessings (Socrates) – Now is the Season of Giving, not Taking, for You cannot Take it With You, and You Cannot Give It to Somebody who you Know and Love and who will Need It, and Give it with Your Heart, when You Are Already Dead.

Faces in the Crowd - Life Out of Rhythm

Welcome to Part One of the Destroyer Podcast Series – This is one of my Freestyle Explanations of how on earth we came to find ourselves living as we do, in Human Society as it is, and why we assume that the Monetary System, Education System, Rule and Governance, and Economics are the only way forward for Humanity to Evolve as a Civilisation. it begins with revealing how Governments are Merely the Surviving Systems once formed by Armed Gangs of Barbarians, and how badly they behave and criminal they can be to each other.

Evolutionary Sciences are growing and changing all the time, as new discoveries and technologies permit us to understand the evolutionary process which underlies all creation (the Material and Immaterial Universe)

Genetic Evolution, Social Evolution, Political Evolution, Cultural Evolution, Scientific Evolution…. as to natural Selection and the Human Species, we have not stopped Evolving, nor has our Society stopped evolving.

Humanity has been in Serfdom since well before Feudal Times, in fact since around the time of the law of Hammurabi or before, we have been bullied and ruled and controlled, taxed (robbed) and punished, even executed (often for things which are neither unethical nor sinful, such as having a different belief)

Since international flights became cheaper, we have much more inter-racial marriages and children resulting from this, we eat foods from all around the world. The food we ate in our respective environments in olden days changed how our skin bones and body resistances evolved. Now we are eating everything from Pizza to raw Sushi, and we still do not know how this will affect our genetic evolution.

evolution of human physicality diet is uncertain, but if we study how diet has caused various races on various continents to evolve, we may be able to predict to some extent how we may evolve through international diet

The Evolution of Diet – National Geographic Article

Evolution currently has 5 facets to the ‘science’, namely Natural Selection, Mutation, Genetic Drift, Punctual Equilibria, and Lateral gene Transfer. However, this is in reference to the process of Evolution within the Physical Living Body

Evolution is a process similar to Machine Learning in Computing Artificial Intelligence Algorhithms, the Program learns from Experiencem, and Builds new Versions based on those Experiences.

Humans no longer understand how Machine Learning works nor how an A.I. Algorithm makes its decisions, just as we do not understand how Nature (Evolution), makes its decisions to Evolve into the next Phase.

The use of GPS  devices causes us to focus more on certain parts of the brain and to neglect other parts, which we had to use before for orientation. The use of technology is also influencing which parts of our brain we use, and which we cease to use, and Evolution will adapt to that situation. Our Orientation abilities are hence changing without us knowing what the results will be in the far future.

And so on, there are so many influential factors as to how we ended up in this mess, but Evolution is the force which drives everything, be it the Human greed and Desire for Power that causes Rogue Nations to arise, Empires to be Built, or the Monetary System and Education-Employment system which enslaves and robs us of our children, and makes the population of the world into employees instead of the inheritors of their family’s business/trade.

Evolution is a self learning automated algorithm designed to improve upon itself, just like Google Deep Mind learns from itself.

The series ‘The Destroyer’ will continue soon with a second episode.. the talks fly all over the place, because the world is a complex thing to explain.. but if you can intuit what underlies what i am saying, you may see behind the veils of this Matrix of Control that is both Orwellian and Dystopian, and which needs a great effort on a mass scale to disentangle oneself from.

This is not about Spiritual Enlightenment, it is about Worldly Enlightenment

The next Podcast i record in this series will deal with how Economics, Law, Rule and Government control how Human Civilisation Evolves, and how Economics is the main focal hub of the whole system. A system which is Ruled by Rich Families of Economists, who Own Multinational Corporations, which are much richer and more powerful and influential, than any single Government, or even Governments in Unison.

Peasants and Vassals

Peasants and Vassals

Governments hardly ever work in true Unison Anyway, due to the current ‘Us and Them’ stage of Human Consciousness, which causes us to still require the preservatiobn of individual nations and Cultures, who see each other as strangers, and potential enemies. Each Nation Looks After its Own Interests, and uses its resources to Bully or Extort Trade Deals and benefits from other Nations.

One should listen to the tales of an ex Economic Hitman, to understand properly the things i speak of, and will continue to speak of

Let the ‘Us and Them’ Consciousness’ Mindset end in this Era, and let the World Federation of Ethically Minded Humans begin. Imagine no countries, differences, religions, arguments, wars….

Imagine there’s no heaven
It’s easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people living for today
Imagine there’s no countries
It isn’t hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people living life in peace, you
You may say I’m a dreamer
But I’m not the only one
I hope some day you’ll join us
And the world will be as one
Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people sharing all the world, you
You may say I’m a dreamer
But I’m not the only one
I hope some day you’ll join us
And the world will be as one

Bad Governments Links

Criticism of the United Nations

In January 2017, Kuwait carried out its first executions since 2013, hanging seven people.

How the United States Interfered with Nicaragua

British Government Poisoned its Own People in secret Chemical Warfare tests 

Singapore’s Shocking Human Rights Record

Human Rights in Singapore

Human Rights Watch Report 2017 Singapore