Welcome to Part One of the Destroyer Podcast Series – This is one of my Freestyle Explanations of how on earth we came to find ourselves living as we do, in Human Society as it is, and why we assume that the Monetary System, Education System, Rule and Governance, and Economics are the only way forward for Humanity to Evolve as a Civilisation. it begins with revealing how Governments are Merely the Surviving Systems once formed by Armed Gangs of Barbarians, and how badly they behave and criminal they can be to each other.
Evolutionary Sciences are growing and changing all the time, as new discoveries and technologies permit us to understand the evolutionary process which underlies all creation (the Material and Immaterial Universe)
Genetic Evolution, Social Evolution, Political Evolution, Cultural Evolution, Scientific Evolution…. as to natural Selection and the Human Species, we have not stopped Evolving, nor has our Society stopped evolving.
Humanity has been in Serfdom since well before Feudal Times, in fact since around the time of the law of Hammurabi or before, we have been bullied and ruled and controlled, taxed (robbed) and punished, even executed (often for things which are neither unethical nor sinful, such as having a different belief)
Since international flights became cheaper, we have much more inter-racial marriages and children resulting from this, we eat foods from all around the world. The food we ate in our respective environments in olden days changed how our skin bones and body resistances evolved. Now we are eating everything from Pizza to raw Sushi, and we still do not know how this will affect our genetic evolution.

evolution of human physicality diet is uncertain, but if we study how diet has caused various races on various continents to evolve, we may be able to predict to some extent how we may evolve through international diet
The Evolution of Diet – National Geographic Article
Evolution currently has 5 facets to the ‘science’, namely Natural Selection, Mutation, Genetic Drift, Punctual Equilibria, and Lateral gene Transfer. However, this is in reference to the process of Evolution within the Physical Living Body
Evolution is a process similar to Machine Learning in Computing Artificial Intelligence Algorhithms, the Program learns from Experiencem, and Builds new Versions based on those Experiences.
Humans no longer understand how Machine Learning works nor how an A.I. Algorithm makes its decisions, just as we do not understand how Nature (Evolution), makes its decisions to Evolve into the next Phase.
The use of GPS devices causes us to focus more on certain parts of the brain and to neglect other parts, which we had to use before for orientation. The use of technology is also influencing which parts of our brain we use, and which we cease to use, and Evolution will adapt to that situation. Our Orientation abilities are hence changing without us knowing what the results will be in the far future.
And so on, there are so many influential factors as to how we ended up in this mess, but Evolution is the force which drives everything, be it the Human greed and Desire for Power that causes Rogue Nations to arise, Empires to be Built, or the Monetary System and Education-Employment system which enslaves and robs us of our children, and makes the population of the world into employees instead of the inheritors of their family’s business/trade.
Evolution is a self learning automated algorithm designed to improve upon itself, just like Google Deep Mind learns from itself.
The series ‘The Destroyer’ will continue soon with a second episode.. the talks fly all over the place, because the world is a complex thing to explain.. but if you can intuit what underlies what i am saying, you may see behind the veils of this Matrix of Control that is both Orwellian and Dystopian, and which needs a great effort on a mass scale to disentangle oneself from.
This is not about Spiritual Enlightenment, it is about Worldly Enlightenment
The next Podcast i record in this series will deal with how Economics, Law, Rule and Government control how Human Civilisation Evolves, and how Economics is the main focal hub of the whole system. A system which is Ruled by Rich Families of Economists, who Own Multinational Corporations, which are much richer and more powerful and influential, than any single Government, or even Governments in Unison.

Peasants and Vassals
Governments hardly ever work in true Unison Anyway, due to the current ‘Us and Them’ stage of Human Consciousness, which causes us to still require the preservatiobn of individual nations and Cultures, who see each other as strangers, and potential enemies. Each Nation Looks After its Own Interests, and uses its resources to Bully or Extort Trade Deals and benefits from other Nations.
One should listen to the tales of an ex Economic Hitman, to understand properly the things i speak of, and will continue to speak of
Let the ‘Us and Them’ Consciousness’ Mindset end in this Era, and let the World Federation of Ethically Minded Humans begin. Imagine no countries, differences, religions, arguments, wars….
Imagine there’s no heaven
It’s easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people living for today
Imagine there’s no countries
It isn’t hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people living life in peace, you
You may say I’m a dreamer
But I’m not the only one
I hope some day you’ll join us
And the world will be as one
Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people sharing all the world, you
You may say I’m a dreamer
But I’m not the only one
I hope some day you’ll join us
And the world will be as one
Bad Governments Links
Criticism of the United Nations
In January 2017, Kuwait carried out its first executions since 2013, hanging seven people.
How the United States Interfered with Nicaragua
British Government Poisoned its Own People in secret Chemical Warfare tests