Underpaid Service Industry Slave

As we reflect on the evolution of human society, it becomes clear that a profound shift has taken place. Gone are the days of traditional family trades and self-employed independence, replaced by a modern system where education is the key to unlocking employment opportunities within a thriving service-driven economy. This shift has brought about a new era of prosperity and growth, offering unparalleled opportunities for those who embrace the changing landscape.


In this era known as the Digital Age, we are currently experiencing an abundance of astonishing opportunities, particularly in the field of artificial intelligence (AI). The Age of AI, as it is often called, is a time of rapid technological advancement and innovation, where machines and systems can perform tasks that normally require human intelligence. This can include anything from understanding human language, recognizing complex patterns, to solving complex problems. As a result, the Digital Age has brought about a multitude of mind-boggling opportunities that have the potential to transform various aspects of our lives, from healthcare and education to transportation and entertainment

To explain this socio-anthropological matter, i would like to use the book “The Sovereign Individual, How to Survive During the Collapse of the Welfare State”,  by James Dale Davidson, Lord William Rees-Mogg, and explore its predictions through a distinct lens:

The central thesis posits a transformative shift in human society driven by technological advancements, particularly in communication and information dissemination. In this vision, the traditional structures of governance, labor, and commerce undergo significant disruption as individuals gain unprecedented access to knowledge, resources, and opportunities.

At the heart of this transformation lies the empowerment of the individual, facilitated by the rise of the internet and digital technologies. These tools democratize access to information and enable individuals to engage in global networks, transcending geographical boundaries and traditional hierarchies. As a result, traditional gatekeepers of knowledge and power lose their monopolies, leading to a decentralization of authority and influence.

One key prediction is the erosion of traditional employment models in favor of a more flexible and decentralized labor market. With the proliferation of remote work, freelancing, and digital entrepreneurship, individuals gain greater autonomy over their careers and livelihoods. This trend towards individual sovereignty is further fueled by the emergence of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology, which offer new avenues for financial autonomy and wealth accumulation outside the purview of centralized financial institutions.

Automated AI business protocols offer both advantages and disadvantages.

Automated AI business protocols offer both advantages and disadvantages. On the positive side, these protocols enhance efficiency by automating routine tasks, reducing human error, and speeding up processes. They can provide round-the-clock availability, enhancing customer service and responsiveness. Additionally, AI-driven protocols can analyze vast datasets quickly, offering valuable insights for data-driven decision-making.
However, there are drawbacks. Over-reliance on automated protocols can lead to job displacement and a loss of the human touch in customer interactions. Concerns about data privacy and security arise as AI handles sensitive information. Furthermore, the development and maintenance of AI systems can be costly. Striking the right balance between automation and human involvement is crucial for reaping the benefits while addressing these challenges.

Moreover, the book anticipates a fundamental restructuring of political and economic systems, driven by the emergence of digital nation-states and virtual communities. As individuals increasingly conduct their lives and interactions online, traditional notions of citizenship and governance become fluid and adaptable. Virtual communities, bound by shared interests and ideologies rather than geographical proximity, challenge the authority of traditional nation-states and redefine notions of belonging and identity.

Telepathy by Headset - Bi-Directional Communication

In the realm of economics, the book predicts the rise of a global market for personal information and digital assets, where individuals monetize their data and intellectual property. This shift towards a knowledge-based economy rewards creativity, innovation, and adaptability, empowering individuals to capitalize on their unique skills and insights.

“The Sovereign Individual, is an eyebrow raising and prophetic book, which paints a vision of a future characterized by individual empowerment, technological innovation, and decentralized networks. While the predictions outlined in the book may not have fully materialized in the exact manner envisioned, elements of its vision, such as the rise of digital entrepreneurship, remote work, and decentralized finance, have indeed become prominent features of contemporary society. As we continue to witness the evolution of possibilities for professions, and the complexities of the digital age, understanding and adapting to these underlying dynamics will be essential for individuals and societies alike.

The digital age has seen a substantial increase in remote workers, driven by technology’s progress. This development allows individuals to execute job duties from any location with internet access. Remote work provides various advantages, such as decreased commuting time, diminished expenses for employers, and flexible work schedules. Consequently, many organizations are adopting this novel approach and enjoying the benefits

The analysis in the Book “The Sovereign Individual” presented by Reese and Mogg, regarding the evolution of human society, provides many valuable insights, into the transformation from traditional family trades, to a modern economy driven by education and service-based industries. Their perspective highlights the seismic shift that has occurred, wherein access to education has become a critical factor in accessing employment opportunities and participating in economic prosperity.

Digital currency has experienced several periods of growth and decline, a pattern anticipated in “The Sovereign Individual.” However, its future and legitimacy remain uncertain, with fluctuations and inflation posing ongoing challenges.

In this interpretation, the emphasis on education as the gateway to economic success underscores the profound changes in the labor market and the broader societal landscape. Individuals who adapt to this new reality and invest in their education stand poised to benefit from the opportunities afforded by a service-driven economy. This perspective aligns with the notion of a meritocratic society, wherein individuals are rewarded based on their skills, knowledge, and qualifications.

Moreover, the assertion that this shift has ushered in a new era of prosperity and growth resonates with the narrative of progress and advancement often associated with modernity. Indeed, the expansion of service-based industries has led to increased productivity, innovation, and wealth creation, offering unprecedented opportunities for individuals to improve their standard of living and pursue their aspirations.

“So, you’re telling me that the world is gonna reset like a computer game and we’ll all start fresh? Sign me up! 😂 But seriously, the Great Reset sounds like a pretty big deal. It’s like the world is getting a total makeover and we’re gonna ditch the old, outdated systems and structures for something way cooler and more sustainable. 💪🌎 Think of it like a global game of “SimCity” where we get to build a brand new world from scratch! 😄 And with all the fancy tech and gadgets at our disposal, we’ll be living like it’s the future! 🚀💫 So, who’s ready to press the reset button and start this wild ride? 🎉👏”

However, it is essential to acknowledge the nuances and complexities inherent in this transformation. While education may serve as a pathway to success for some, systemic barriers such as socioeconomic inequality, access to quality education, and structural discrimination can impede upward mobility for others. Additionally, the rapid pace of technological change and globalization may exacerbate income inequality and job insecurity for certain segments of the population.

Redundant Digital Artist

AI has made me obsolete, just as I thought I had finally mastered the art of making a living as a digital artist while lounging in my pajamas! 😱 Or maybe is should advertise my services as of now, as “Redundant Digital Artist”: “Creating art that’s not just aesthetically pleasing, but also redundant in the best possible way.”

In light of these considerations, while Reese and Mogg’s analysis provides valuable insights into the dynamics of societal evolution, it is crucial to approach the narrative with a critical lens, considering the broader socioeconomic context and the experiences of individuals who may be marginalized or disadvantaged within the prevailing economic system. Ultimately, a comprehensive understanding of the shifting dynamics of human society requires a multifaceted perspective that takes into account the intersecting factors shaping contemporary life.

To gain a complete understanding of the complex changes happening in modern society, it's important to consider the various factors that intersect and influence contemporary life.

“Hey there, party people! Let’s get this pear-fect pairing going on! 🍐👥 To truly grasp the ever-changing landscape of human society, we need to consider all the juicy factors that are intersecting and making things pop! 💥👀 It’s like pairing your pears with your peers – you gotta mix it up and get all the perspectives! 😜👯 So, let’s dive in and get this pear-ty started!”

While “The Sovereign Individual” presents a compelling narrative of technological empowerment and individual sovereignty, it’s crucial to acknowledge an alternative perspective on the trajectory of human societal evolution. This viewpoint suggests that the shift from traditional family trades and self-employed independence to a modern service-driven economy may not solely be the result of technological progress, but also the culmination of historical forces and systemic structures.

workplace bullying

Hey there, workplace harassment? More like workplace hilarious-ment, am I right? 😂 Just kidding, it’s not funny at all! But seriously, workplace harassment is no laughing matter. It can be super hurtful and make the workplace a total buzzkill. So, let’s talk about the different types of harassment, like verbal harassment (ew, gross!), physical harassment (ouch!), and sexual harassment (double ouch!). And if you experience any of these, don’t be a silent sufferer, speak up and seek help! 💪 You can report it to HR or a supervisor, or tell a trusted colleague (just don’t tell them you’re a secret agent, that might be harassment too). And remember, documenting is key, like keeping a diary but for harassment (#harassmentdiaries). So, let’s all work together to make the workplace a safe and respectful place, or else we’ll all be stuck in a never-ending cycle of harassment (😱).

Indeed, the transition from agrarian societies to industrialized economies was marked by significant social upheaval and the concentration of wealth and power in the hands of a privileged few. The feudal system, with its hierarchical structures and serfdom, played a pivotal role in shaping the trajectory of human civilization, establishing patterns of labor exploitation and economic inequality that persist to this day.

Furthermore, the rise of capitalism and industrialization brought about profound changes in labor relations, with workers increasingly relegated to wage labor and alienated from the means of production. This shift, while driving economic growth and technological innovation, also perpetuated cycles of poverty and dependence, as individuals became increasingly reliant on employment within the burgeoning service sector.

Moreover, the commodification of education and the proliferation of student debt have further entrenched socioeconomic disparities, making access to higher education a privilege rather than a right. For many individuals, the pursuit of a “decent paid job” necessitates navigating a labyrinth of financial obstacles and systemic barriers, perpetuating cycles of indebtedness and economic precarity.

In light of these considerations, it’s essential to interrogate the underlying power structures and historical legacies that shape our contemporary socioeconomic landscape. While technology undoubtedly plays a transformative role in shaping human societies, it is not a panacea for systemic inequality and injustice. True progress requires a holistic approach that addresses the root causes of economic exploitation and empowers individuals to reclaim agency over their lives and livelihoods.

Corporate Idiot

“Corporate Clod” – a bumbling bureaucrat who’s more interested in protecting their own behind than the well-being of their employees or the world at large. They’re a master of paper-pushing and political posturing, using their position to further their own agenda while stifling creativity and progress. Despite their fancy degree and supposed smarts, they’re hopelessly risk-averse and can’t think outside the box. They’re a self-serving, empathy-free zone who’s more likely to cause chaos than solve problems. Yay!

And with That, a Poem;

Echoes of Ancestry

In the whispers of time, we find a tale,
Of trades passed down like treasures frail.
From hand to hand, through generations old,
Craftsmanship woven in stories untold.

Once, under the sun’s warm embrace,
Families thrived in their chosen space.
Blacksmiths, carpenters, farmers true,
Rooted in soil, under skies of blue.

But winds of change swept through the land,
As industry rose with a mighty hand.
The call of progress, a siren’s song,
Led us away from where we belong.

Now, in the shadow of towering glass,
We toil away, as time slips past.
Education becomes our ticket to ride,
To join the ranks on the other side.

Yet the cost is high, the burden heavy,
As debts pile up, promises unsteady.
We trade our independence for a seat,
In the service industry’s crowded street.

Gone are the days of ancestral pride,
Replaced by a longing, deep inside.
For the freedom to shape our destiny,
To walk the path of our ancestry.

But amidst the chaos, a whisper remains,
Echoes of heritage, in silent refrains.
In every stroke of the pen, every word we write,
We honor the past, in the present’s light.

For though the road may twist and turn,
The flame of tradition will always burn.
And in the heart of every seeker,
Lies the spirit of the self-made speaker.

So let us not forget the path we’ve trod,
Nor the hands that shaped us, demigod.
For in the tapestry of human lore,
Our ancestry lives forevermore.

A Buddhist Monk Forgets his Precepts

“If you look at your face in the mirror every day, you don’t see yourself getting older “

The Overton Window

What is presented as ethical changes with regeneration, then ethics have no meaning.

If we view the changes of societal norms and ethical standards over human history, we can see, that what was once considered unethical, can gradually morph into common practice, often without individuals even realizing the shift has occurred. This phenomenon is exemplified by the normalization of manipulation in influencing public perception, beliefs, and reactions, particularly through tailored news and media.

The Overton window, a concept that defines the range of ideas and policies deemed acceptable within a society at a given time, plays a pivotal role in shaping ethical boundaries. As societal attitudes and values evolve, so too does the Overton window, expanding the realm of what is considered permissible or even expected behavior.

In the millennial era, the proliferation of digital media and the rise of social platforms have fundamentally transformed the way information is disseminated and consumed. With the click of a button, individuals can access a wealth of news and content tailored to their interests and preferences. However, this unprecedented access to information has also facilitated the spread of biased or misleading narratives, often driven by ulterior motives or political agendas.

Diagram demonstrating The Overton Window

What was once deemed unethical—manipulating public opinion through selective presentation of information—has become commonplace in today’s media landscape. News agencies, corporations, and even individuals leverage the power of tailored messaging to influence perceptions, beliefs, and reactions on a massive scale. This deliberate manipulation, whether through sensationalized headlines, selective framing of stories, or targeted advertising, has become ingrained in the fabric of modern communication.

But how did we arrive at this point? The normalization of manipulation can be attributed to a combination of factors, including technological advancements, changing societal norms, and the gradual erosion of ethical boundaries. With the advent of digital media, information dissemination has become democratized, allowing for greater diversity of voices and perspectives. However, this democratization has also led to a proliferation of misinformation and propaganda, blurring the lines between truth and fiction.

Corporate Idiot

Moreover, the relentless pursuit of profit and power has incentivized media outlets and corporations to prioritize engagement and clicks over journalistic integrity. Sensationalism sells, and the race for viewership and ad revenue has led to the prioritization of sensational headlines and clickbait content, often at the expense of accuracy and impartiality.

At the same time, societal attitudes toward manipulation have shifted, driven in part by the normalization of deceptive marketing tactics and the blurring of lines between advertising and content. In an age where influencers peddle products and ideologies to millions of followers, authenticity and transparency have taken a backseat to persuasion and influence.

In this environment, the concept of ethical behavior has become increasingly murky, with individuals and institutions alike embracing manipulation as a means to an end. What was once considered unethical—attempting to brainwash others into believing a certain narrative—has become accepted as common practice, perpetuated by the collective amnesia of a generation bombarded with tailored messaging and biased content.

It is not difficult to come to the conclusion then, that the normalization of manipulation in influencing public perception and beliefs, represents an extremely troubling ethical shift in the millennial era. As societal norms continue to evolve and the Overton window expands, it is imperative that we remain vigilant in challenging manipulative tactics and promoting transparency and accountability in communication. Only then can we hope to reclaim the ethical boundaries that have been eroded by the pervasive influence of tailored news and media.

Göbekli Tepe: Unveiling the Enigma of Ancient Mystery

Gobekli Tepe

Göbekli Tepe, an ancient archaeological site nestled in southeastern Turkey, has captivated the imagination of scholars and laypeople alike. Dating back over 11,000 years, this enigmatic site predates the advent of agriculture and the rise of settled societies. Its remarkable stone pillars, adorned with intricate carvings of animals and symbols, challenge our understanding of early human civilization. In this blog post, we embark on a journey to explore the mysteries of Göbekli Tepe, delving into its significance, construction, and the tantalizing questions it raises about our past.

Unearthing Göbekli Tepe


Excavation site Gobekli Tepe

An Ancient Wonder Emerges

In 1963, when surveying the region of Urfa in Turkey, archaeologist Dr. Klaus Schmidt stumbled upon an extraordinary discovery. Peeking out from beneath layers of sediment, the telltale signs of a forgotten civilization beckoned him further. What he uncovered was an ancient complex of monumental proportions, carefully crafted by our distant ancestors.

An Architectural Marvel

Göbekli Tepe, meaning “Potbelly Hill” in Turkish, is an apt descriptor for this archaeological marvel. The site consists of multiple circular enclosures, or “enclosure walls,” each housing several massive T-shaped pillars. These stone monoliths, reaching heights of up to six meters, evoke a sense of awe and reverence. Intriguingly, the carvings on these pillars depict a myriad of animals, including boars, foxes, and birds, interspersed with abstract symbols, hinting at a rich symbolic language lost to time.

Göbekli Tepe

Unconventional Chronology

One of the most perplexing aspects of Göbekli Tepe is its chronology. Dating techniques have revealed that construction began around 9600 BCE, placing it squarely in the pre-agricultural era. This contradicts prevailing theories suggesting that the transition to settled agriculture drove the emergence of complex societies. Göbekli Tepe challenges this narrative, raising the possibility of a sophisticated hunter-gatherer society capable of monumental construction and complex belief systems.

The Ritual Landscape

Göbekli-Tepe Monument

Temples or Something More?

The purpose of Göbekli Tepe remains shrouded in mystery. Some researchers posit that it served as a temple complex, a place of communal gatherings and ritual activities. The monumental scale of the site and the intricacy of its carvings hint at the importance placed on religious and spiritual practices. The recurring motif of animals suggests a deep connection to the natural world, perhaps reflecting the spiritual beliefs and cosmology of the ancient builders.

Ancestors and Shamans

The anthropological significance of Göbekli Tepe extends beyond its architectural marvels. The site provides insights into the social fabric of early human societies. Intriguingly, there is evidence to suggest that Göbekli Tepe was a burial ground, where the remains of ancestors were interred beneath the sacred enclosures. This practice underscores the significance of ancestral veneration and suggests the presence of religious specialists, such as shamans, who may have acted as intermediaries between the human and spirit realms.

Shamanistic Ancient People

A Cosmic Observatory?

Some researchers propose an alternative hypothesis, positing that Göbekli Tepe functioned as an astronomical observatory. They argue that the precise alignment of certain structures with celestial events indicates a sophisticated understanding of astronomical phenomena. This notion opens up a realm of possibilities, hinting at the ancients’ deep engagement with the cosmos and the interplay between the earthly and celestial realms.

Göbekli Tepe Sanliurfa Turkey courtesy of AFP Photos

The Enigma Persists

Göbekli Tepe continues to astound and mystify scholars, provoking more questions than answers. The absence of domestic structures or evidence of settled life challenges our understanding of societal development. How did these hunter-gatherers mobilize the resources and labor required for such massive construction projects? What motivated them to create this sacred space? And why was it deliberately buried and abandoned?

As archaeologists meticulously unearth the layers of Göbekli Tepe’s secrets, we catch glimpses of a lost world, challenging our preconceptions and expanding our understanding of the human story. The more we delve into the mysteries of this ancient site, the more we realize the depth of knowledge our ancestors possessed, the complexities of their belief systems, and the enduring enigma of Göbekli Tepe.

“Göbekli Tepe is a testament to the wisdom of the Ancients, hidden within the layers of time.”

Atlantean Map

“Uncovering the Secrets of Pre Cataclysmic Civilizations – A Journey Through Time.”

Pre Cataclysmic Civilizations are those civilizations that existed before a major natural, social or cultural event destroyed or changed them. These civilizations were the early inhabitants of Earth and their histories, cultures, and religions have been lost to time. Pre Cataclysmic Civilizations are often shrouded in mystery, but their legacies still survive in the form of artifacts, ruins, and ancient texts. These civilizations provide a window into the distant past and can offer insight into the development of modern societies.

Antecedent Pre-Cataclysmic Civilizations are Possibly Factual

Antecedent Pre-Cataclysmic Civilizations are Possibly Factual

Exploring the Ancient Wonders of Pre Cataclysmic Civilizations

For centuries, the world has been captivated by the ancient wonders of pre-cataclysmic civilizations. From the pyramids of Egypt to the Great Wall of China, these ancient sites have stood the test of time and remain some of the most awe-inspiring places on the planet.

  • The great pyramids of Giza stand as a testament to the ingenuity and skill of the ancient Egyptians. The fact that these monolithic structures were built over four thousand years ago is astonishing. The pyramids were built with incredible precision, making them some of the most precise structures in the world. The Great Sphinx of Giza, which guards the entrance to the pyramids, is also a marvel of ancient architecture. The sphinx is an immense statue carved with precise detail from a single piece of limestone.
  • The Great Wall of China is another iconic pre-cataclysmic site. Built over 2,000 years ago, the Great Wall stretches for over 5,500 miles and is constructed from stone, bricks, and wood. It was built to protect China from the nomadic tribes of the north, and today it is one of the most recognizable landmarks in the world.
  • The Parthenon in Athens is another example of the wonders of pre-cataclysmic civilization. This ancient temple was built over 2,500 years ago and is one of the most well-preserved ancient structures in the world. The Parthenon is an architectural masterpiece, with its iconic columns and magnificent sculptures adorning its walls.
Ancient Lost Civilizations may have Preceding Ones

Ancient Lost Civilizations may have Preceding Ones

These ancient sites are incredible examples of the ingenuity and skill of pre-cataclysmic civilizations. They stand as a testament to the power and creativity of these ancient cultures and are a reminder of our shared history. Exploring these ancient wonders is an incredible experience and should be on everyone’s bucket list. So why not take the plunge and explore the ancient wonders of the world? You won’t regret it!

The Role of Religion in Pre Cataclysmic Civilizations

Religion has played an integral role in pre-cataclysmic civilizations since the dawn of time. In fact, it has been a major force in shaping and molding the development of many ancient societies. From the earliest days of human civilization, religious beliefs and practices have been used to explain the natural world and to provide a moral framework within which people can live. This has been especially true of pre-cataclysmic civilizations, which have often relied on religious traditions to provide a sense of stability in times of uncertainty and chaos.

The most obvious example of the role of religion in pre-cataclysmic civilizations is in terms of its ability to provide a moral framework. In many pre-cataclysmic societies, religious beliefs and practices were used to define right and wrong and to provide guidance to individuals and communities about how to live their lives. By providing a unified set of rules and expectations, religion was able to provide a sense of order and stability in times of crisis and uncertainty.

Did Religion Play a Role in Pre Cataclysmic Civilizations

Did Religion Play a Role in Pre Cataclysmic Civilizations?

Religion was also an important source of social cohesion in pre-cataclysmic civilizations. By providing a shared set of beliefs and values, religion was able to bring people together and provide a sense of unity and common purpose. This was especially important in times of great upheaval and change, when it was essential to maintain a sense of unity and stability.

Finally, religion was also an important source of spiritual comfort and solace in pre-cataclysmic civilizations. In times of great suffering and tragedy, religion was often able to provide a sense of hope and a belief in a better future. This was especially true in times of upheaval and chaos, when it was essential to maintain a sense of optimism and faith in the future.

In conclusion, it is clear that religion has played an important role in pre-cataclysmic civilizations. From providing a moral framework and social cohesion to offering spiritual comfort and solace, religion has been an invaluable source of stability and hope in times of great suffering and turmoil. By unifying people and providing a sense of unity and common purpose, religion has been able to shape and mold the development of many pre-cataclysmic civilizations.

Examining the Art and Architecture of Pre Cataclysmic Civilizations

The art and architecture of pre-cataclysmic civilizations have long been a source of fascination for historians and archeologists alike. From the stunning stepped pyramids of the Maya to the intricate sculptures of the Aztecs, these ancient cultures left behind a lasting legacy of art and architecture that continues to astound us today.

It is no surprise that pre-cataclysmic civilizations created such remarkable works of art and architecture. Even in their primitive state, these civilizations had access to the resources and knowledge necessary to construct such grandiose and intricate structures. By studying the remains of these ancient cultures, we can gain a greater understanding of the engineering capabilities of our ancestors, as well as the cultural beliefs that shaped their art and architecture.

Pre Cataclysmic Advanced Civilization

The art and architecture of pre-cataclysmic civilizations can tell us a great deal about the cultures that created them. From the detailed reliefs of the Aztecs to the stunningly well-preserved structures of the Maya, these works of art and architecture offer us a unique glimpse into the lives of our ancestors. By studying these structures, we can gain a better understanding of the beliefs, values, and practices of these ancient cultures.

The art and architecture of pre-cataclysmic civilizations can also offer us insight into the environmental and societal conditions that existed in these ancient cultures. By examining the materials used in the construction of these structures, we can learn about the resources available to these pre-cataclysmic civilizations, as well as the environmental conditions that existed at the time.

In conclusion, the art and architecture of pre-cataclysmic civilizations are an invaluable source of knowledge about our ancestors. By studying these works of art and architecture, we can gain a greater understanding of the engineering capabilities, cultural beliefs, and environmental conditions of these ancient cultures. It is only through a thorough examination of these works of art and architecture that we can gain a greater appreciation for our ancestors and the societies they created.

Investigating the Political Structures of Pre Cataclysmic Civilizations

The political structures of pre-cataclysmic civilizations remain shrouded in mystery, but their significance is undeniable. Despite the lack of information regarding the specifics of these societies, there is ample evidence to suggest that the political structures of these civilizations were complex, sophisticated, and diverse. It is thus essential to investigate and understand the political structures of pre-cataclysmic civilizations in order to gain a better understanding of the history of humanity.

Social Organization of Sassanid in Iran

Social Organization of Sassanid in Iran

One of the most important aspects of pre-cataclysmic civilizations was their dedication to the rule of law. In many cases, the law was based on the principles of justice, fairness, and order. This meant that the law was applied to all citizens, regardless of their social class or status. Law enforcement was also an important part of pre-cataclysmic societies, with codes of conduct and punishments for violations being enforced.

The political structures of pre-cataclysmic civilizations were highly stratified, with rulers and leaders controlling the government and its citizens. In some cases, the ruling class was hereditary, while in others, power was based on merit. This system of governance allowed for greater social mobility than modern societies, as individuals could rise to positions of power through hard work and dedication.

The political structures of pre-cataclysmic civilizations were also highly decentralized. This allowed for a greater degree of autonomy and self-governance than is seen today. This decentralized system also meant that different regions of the world could be governed by different political systems. This allowed for the development of unique cultures and civilizations in different parts of the world, allowing for increased diversity and creativity.

In conclusion, the political structures of pre-cataclysmic civilizations were complex, diverse, and highly advanced. Investigating and understanding these political structures is essential to gaining a better understanding of the history of humanity. As such, it is essential that we continue to research and study the political structures of these ancient civilizations in order to gain a better understanding of our own history and culture.

Analyzing the Social Customs of Pre Cataclysmic Civilizations

Pre-cataclysmic civilizations had a variety of social customs and traditions that have been studied by anthropologists and historians for centuries. It is clear that these cultures had a deep appreciation for the traditions and customs that were practiced by their ancestors. This appreciation for the past has been passed down through generations and is still evident today in many cultures around the world.

The social customs of pre-cataclysmic civilizations varied greatly depending on the location and culture of the people. In some cultures, certain customs were seen as essential to their way of life while in others they were seen as optional. For example, in some cultures, marriage was seen as essential while in other cultures, it was seen as an optional practice. In some cultures, it was believed that the gods had to be appeased and rituals were performed to ensure that this happened.

The role of social behavior in ancient civilizations

In addition to these customs, many pre-cataclysmic civilizations had complex systems of laws and regulations to keep their societies in order. These laws were often very strict and could range from harsh punishments for minor infractions to death for serious offenses. These laws were designed to keep the peace and maintain order in the society.

The customs and traditions of pre-cataclysmic civilizations are important to study because they provide valuable insights into how our ancestors lived and the importance they placed on their traditions. They also provide valuable lessons for modern societies about how to live in harmony and respect for each other. It is important to remember that these cultures had a deep appreciation for their customs and traditions and that we should strive to learn from them and use them as a guide for our own behavior.


The Pre Cataclysmic Civilizations have been a source of fascination and study for centuries. These civilizations were complex, sophisticated, and highly advanced for their time. They left behind a rich legacy of art, architecture, and literature that has influenced the cultures of today. Although these civilizations are now long gone, they are still remembered and studied by historians. Their contributions to the world have had an enduring impact, and they continue to be remembered and admired.

The Olmecs are a yet to be explained Civilization regarding their Origins and Culture

This blogpost was composed by myself the author (Ajarn Spencer) with assistance from OpenAI’s GPT3 and, for some of my other private projects, ChatGPT Artificial Intelligence Technology. I would like to thank, and state my amazement at the wonders of Dall-E, GPT3, and GPT Chat, as well as the many other applied methods of accessing OpenAI’s mind-blowing neural network artificial intelligence technologies, that are about to change the world forever, in ways most people can not yet imagine.

Reset USA or the World

Please watch the first of my YouTube deleted/banned videos of onde of my forbidden talks on https://www.ajarnspencer.com/Forbidden-Talks/The-Greatest-Deception-In-Human-History/

A slightly Provocative talk, which will make many people agree ,and many people disagree. I’m quite sure that this Vlog will cause various people to flame this video with acidic comments on my YouTube Channel or direct attacks on my person. When are used to be a Buddhist monk, I learned that even the Buddha and even Jesus Christ himself, both of whom were truthful and with good intention, had enemies. In the above talk on the link given, I mention ‘The Great Reset’ and other things, which reveal the possible agendas which may lay behind this Davos Agenda, and which was banned from both YouTube and Facebook, leading me to self-publish here as a html 5 browser-compatible video player just like YuouTube so xxx off YT! You cannot stifle my freedom of opinion on my own server. Below you can Pre-Inform Yourselves of what the Great reset May be, before listening to my talk, or vice versa.

Some of those enemies even tried to kill them. And in the case of Jesus, They did kill him. This world is full of fake news smothering real news, and real news is also fake because all news is opinionated. This talk is also opinionated. You make your own decisions and your own opinions. I’m just sharing what I personally believe. If you don’t want to believe the same, that’s quite up to you. Because nobody really knows what’s going on.


We can only speculate about the true Agenda, due to the fact that powerful people on the media, and the media can smother any news they don’t want us to see or hear. I know a lot about technology, and topics which you probably don’t even know the name of, or have even heard of Topics which are extremely relevant, in contemplating the truth, or untruth of the Covid paranoid conspiracy theory.

I hope this talk at least gives you some provocative thoughts, insights, and things to think about and consider. Anybody who wishes to comment in disagreement is welcome to do so, but beware! I’m pretty good at destroying any argument with my responses In comments, so make sure you are very clever when you compose your ideology in contrary to mine. Don’t forget, I am perhaps arrogant, but that does not mean i am not an accomplished student of literature, and an author in my own right, and the pen is mightier than the sword, and I am also a wordsmith. So if you intend to have a battle of words with me, be prepared.

The Great Reset Has Begun

Fallof Civilisation (transformation from one form of existence to the next)

All things grow back again in a new form. things are always changing, and even dictatorships, systems of rule and governance, and civilizations, cannot change that fact. all things come to an end, even civilizations (e.g. Sumeria, Babylon, Rome, Egypt, Carthage, Numidia). Including this one, being no exception. May i herald publicly. that which i have been waiting to herald all my life. The end of this particular mode of civilization. Also, Evolution of Man did not stop when we clambered down from the trees, otherwise we would still be hairy with big guts. Evolution of Mankind continues to advance,, and a 100,000 years from now we shall differ from how we now look, and think and act, as much as we differ from chimpanzees today.

Predicting the Fall of the Feat Monetary System and Collapse, or Transformation of the Current System of Rule and Governance, from a Feat Based Exchange System, to a Digital Currency, as the Rise of A.I. and Robotics makes Humans slowly redundant in old Professions and Leads them to other ways of Surviving, separate and apart from the Feat Monetary System of Taxable Income.
Free living off the grid tax free as a sovereign individual and digital nomad

Free living off the grid tax free as a sovereign individual and digital nomad

Predicting the Birth of Sovereign Individuality, and digital wealth for all Humans, with Currency being a mere imaginative legal fiction (which is indeed what the FEAT system also is).  The next Evolutionary step in the way Humans interact and exchange knowledge and resources with each other, seen through the lenses of Sociology, Economics, Politics, I.T., Emerging Technologies, and Socio-Political Anthropology.
What is a Sovereign Individual and how does this differ from Sovereign Citizenship?

In order to make clear the likelihood of this prediction, I have assembled a series of snippets and quotes from various papers and manuscripts written by Professors Emeterius, and Doctorate Holders in Economics, and from Government Papers, on the topic of Underground Economies, and mixed them with content that reveals the rise of the Sovereign Individual through the changes that have been occurring in the age of digital currencies and digital nomadism.

Intel to fight the Underground Economy

source; world bank


The presence of a large underground economy undermines government revenue collection, while increasing the cost of providing public services. For these reasons, it is crucial to know who is engaged in the underground economy, with what frequency, and more importantly, the magnitude of their activities in order to assess the implications for national account statistics and fiscal revenues.


Deficiencies in corporate data services and government intel agencies, is that the estimation techniques and difficulties associated with data collection lead to misreporting and underreporting of national accounts statistics. Also, economic agents deliberately conceal information from the authorities either because they are involved in illegal activity, or if the activity is legal, there is a conscious effort to avoid paying taxes.

Underground Economy by Christian Nordqvist

These activities are usually conducted in the underground economy. Obtaining accurate statistics about economic activities and the allocation of economic resources in the underground economy is important for the formulation and implementation of effective economic and social policies.

Approaches to measuring the size of the underground economy, have been an important concern of Government policy makers since the late 1970s, for many reasons;  They believe in their old fashioned manner, that the presence of a large and growing underground economy understates the size of the economy, signals the existence of market distortions and excessive regulations, and raises serious governance issues.


In truth. there are now hundreds of millions of freelancing travelers who live as Digital Nomads, unregistered and untaxable in any country, which depletes the old system of rule and governance, and endangers the financial grip they have on poor nations and the common people. The world is about to become free through independence from the FEAT controlled monetary system of trade and exchange, and entry into a free world where we can keep our earnings, without some armed gang calling itself a government being able to tax us for this or that, despite the fact we were not born there, nor do we live there all the time, nor did we sign at birth to say we recognize their laws and regulations.

Government & Formal Sector’s Biased Definition of the underground economy,  based in the need to maintain power to tax the people and wage wars, both economic and actual.


The underground economy involves economic transactions not measured by government statistics and ignoring government regulations and laws. It includes according to the State and the official Bankers;

  • Illegal criminal activity
  • Non-market activity – e.g. growing your own vegetables
  • Legal activity which is hidden from authorities (e.g. to avoid paying tax)\


But what is not mentioned by Governments and States, is that now in 2020 onwards, probably almost 80% of the underground economy, is wealth made through ethical and legal types of activities, such as freelance writing, online freelance work of many kinds, Ecommerce, eBook authoring, affiliate marketing, YouTube channels, game streamers, musicians on soundcloud, selling music beats, and so on. All non criminal non evil activities made by free hearted free living individuals who do not wish to be enslaved by a warmongering government ruled by big businessmen and Nazis like Donald Trump.


Trumpler - Donald Trump is a Nazi


The underground economy may also be referred to as the ‘black market’, ‘shadow economy’, ‘parallel economy’. “Over time, the underground economy has changed as lawmakers redefine what is legal or what is to be taxed. How far “underground” an activity is depends not only on its legal status but also on the capacity of government to enforce laws and/or collect taxes.”


Economist Friedrich Schneider, who works at the Johannes Keplet University of Linz in Austria, carried out a study on the US underground economy. He estimated that it represented 7.2% of GDP in 2007. He did not include prostitution, weapons trading, or illegal drug dealing in his estimate. (Market Business News)


Sources and Study Material

Myths Persist Throughout all Eras – the deluge myth has been recounted in the Epic of Gilgamesh, the Bible, the Torah, and the Koran. Myths seem to survive the rise and fall of civilizations, religions, and even cataclysms and mass extinctions.

We have had 25 Mass Extinctions (26 Including this Human induced mass extinction of species on earth), the 5 major ones being  the Ordovician Mass Extinction, Devonian Mass Extinction, Permian Mass Extinction, Triassic-Jurassic Mass Extinction, and Cretaceous-Tertiary.

This, and the concept of A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) Algorithms with machine learning (the program teaches itself without human intervention) being the same process found in Nature’s Evolutionary Algorithms. Creation and Evolution is limited to a certain geometric pattern of self growth and development, and is unescapable, be it nature’s Invisible Process of Evolution, or Human Created Self Learning Machine learning deep Learning A.I. Algorithms. But Civilizations suffer Cataclysms and Fall Into Entropy, or suffer Catabolic Entropy and dissilve through lack of  resources due to fast growth, fall of economy, rebellions , the Steady State, Production in relation to Expansion, and so on.

I delve into Cyberpunk a bit at the end and talk about how the respective benefits and deficits which lie between Artificial Intelligence, and those found in Living Sentient beings (in this case, Humans), will inevitably blend and fuse together in a symbiosis of Human and Machine, Mind and A.I.

I wish I could have had time to go into machine A.I. as to how the inclusion of a conscience (set rules of ethics) should be programmed into a DEEP LEARNING ALGORHYTHM, in order to make sure no conditioned ethics are present.

But that a set of truly universally fair, and logical decisions can be made when confronting social, religious, legal or other dilemmas. The A.I. state oof the art in the moment is able to map the universe, and do scientific computations, and also make simple decisions as to what it thinks we might want. But that’s it.

 “In Space Odyssey 2001, HAL 9000, the Heuristically Programmed Algorithmic Computer, consigned the crew commander to his death by refusing to open the pod bay doors. Leaping forward to today, with life hopefully transcending Arthur C. Clarke’s fiction, NASA has announced a visionary step: that intelligent computer systems will be installed on space probes”

(The Daily Galaxy)

An algorithm, such as if a cyborg police officer sees that he can either save the victim and let the criminal escape, and be destroyed himself in the process, or, catch the criminal and lose the victim who would die, or, sacrifice itself and save the victim whilst killing the criminal.


How could the A.I. decide what to do?,  if its only command, was to apprehend the criminal alive, or to apprehend the criminal and save the victim? What set of ethics if any should be programmed into the laws of robotics and of A.I. machine learning algorithms ???

The topics and categories and rankings given with the current sets and modules of algorithms in Deep learning, despite producing amazing feats, are still missing too many abstract variables of living human society, in order to make accurate conclusions and decisions. Life is not a game of GO, and Alpha Go cannot give life advice to Humans, and probably never will be able to.

Computer vision models are struggling to appropriately tag depictions of the new scenes or situations we find ourselves in during the COVID-19 era. Categories have shifted. For example, say there’s an image of a father working at home while his son is playing. AI is still categorizing it as “leisure” or “relaxation.” It is not identifying this as ‘”work” or “office,” despite the fact that working with your kids next to you is the very common reality for many families during this time.”


The algorithm of evolutionary progress of Civilizations seems to indicate that all Civilizations have a limited lifespan for their rise and fall, and mathematicians and statisticians are trying to create algorithms ,to calculate just how much longer our civilisation itself has left, before it falls.

“The collapse of complex human societies remains poorly understood and current theories fail to model important features of historical examples of collapse. Relationships among resources, capital, waste, and production form the basis for an ecological model of collapse in which production fails to meet maintenance requirements for existing capital. Societies facing such crises after having depleted essential resources risk catabolic collapse, a self-reinforcing cycle of contraction converting most capital to waste. This model allows key features of historical examples of collapse to be accounted for, and suggests parallels between successional processes in nonhuman ecosystems and collapse phenomena in human societies.”

(Ecoshock.Org) – Highly recommended PDF on The Human Ecology of  Catabolic Collapse!!!

Neuralink as a solution to the failings of A.I. and the Dangers it may present to Humanity.

However, Elon Musk’s Neuralink, seems to be the answer, a very ‘Cyberpunk’ solution, to the dangers of the rise of A.I. and Robotics, and Androids.

The study of the state of Existential Risk is an important study for Humanity to focus o, as we are in my belief, truly in danger of extinction due to Catabolic Collapse

backwards to us is not backwards to other observers.

I have a Grand Disagreement with the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics, and the Theory of the Arrow of Time, which compels me to post about this ‘Matter’ (being to do with the Material Universe and the Laws of Quantum Physics/Mechanics). There is no net increase in entropy, rather, a constant re-balancing and rearrangement of material forms, within the rules of cause and effect. This topic is also related to Evolutionary Sciences, and the algorithms of Natural Selection. I also disagree with the theory of ‘The Arrow of Time“.

To Begin with i would like to show a video of a clip from a documentary by a Great Modern British Scientist and TV Personality whom i admire and respect, and see as ‘The Next Sir Richard Attenborough”, for the way he has made science interesting to the younger generation again, and his wonderful way of explaining and describing things, as well as the fantastic production editing of his team.

The first false assumption Brian makes about the Law of Entropy, Chaos and Order, is that he is creating ‘Order’ when he builds the sandcastle. he is not creating ‘Order’, rather, is only under the impression that his disturbance of the natural fractal patterns of the dunes, is orderly, and that the fractal dunes, are chaotic. This is as false a view, as the view that the dunes are orderly, and the sandcastle is chaotic. All views are subjective, and hence, not objective (false, for they are contextual in nature).

Castles in the Sand - Palaces of Stardust

Castles in the Sand – Palaces of Stardust

The Buddha did not have views, for he said that all views are false, and hence, paradoxically, the only view that the Buddha held to be true, is that all views are false views, except right view, which is the view that there is no self, and all things are impermanent, conditioned in nature, and dis-satisfactory because of that. We have Dualistic minds, and find it hard to open the curtains, lift the veils of Illusion so to speak, and see beyond our own perspective, which is subjective, not objective

Now i continue with this share of a Ted Talk which addresses some of the issues i have with the second law of thermodynamics; “The History of the World in 18 Minutes”

The video is from one of the team who made one of my favorite History Channel documentaries; ‘Big History’ which takes an alternative approach to viewing history and the interconnections between everything.

To quote this video which belongs to the staunch belief in the second law of thermodynamics (Entropy Theory) “David Christian narrates a complete history of the universe, from the Big Bang to the Internet, in a riveting 18 minutes. This is “Big History”: an enlightening, wide-angle look at complexity, life and humanity, set against our slim share of the cosmic timeline. “

“I keep reiterating that focusing on an iceberg dissolving, or a sandcastle disintegrating or a rock eroding, does not show entropy is the direction of things. The iceberg was first constructed, as was the mountain before it eroded, as was the sandcastle. And so, everything lies in a constant state of rearrangement, of construction and deconstruction (constant flux), but both creation and entropy go hand in hand, for no thing can exist without its own opposite! We see a sandcastle dissolve into the fractal-like orderly but never repeating patterns of the sand dunes of the desert, and think disorder is in effect, when in truth, the desert, is merely rearranging the disorderly sandcastle,, which despite human conditioned thought perceiving it as ‘the orderly part’. is in fact the disorderly chaotic part, and the desert is reclaiming it and rearranging it back into its Natural ORDER of things, which is namely dunes, and ripples on the dunes, which move like the ripples on the ocean, and have no permanence or un-changing-ness to them. If entropy were the only direction the material universe travels in, then an iceberg or a planet or an element, or a complex structure such as DNA would never have come into existence.”

Related Links

We may see cancer as entropy of our own health, but for the cancer genome, it is in process of construction and adaptation (evolution through rearrangement). So both Entropy and Construction/Creation, are seeming processes (false and Dualistic conditioned views), where in truth, there is only rearrangement, but no construction and deconstruction (creation and entropy).

“Chaos and Order, much like Beauty, Only Exist, in the Eye of the Beholder”.

Complex Landscapes of somatic rearrangement in human breast cancer genomes.

Algorithms In A.I. and the Code of Self Learning in Selective Adaptation (Evolution – Nature’s Algorithm)

The first law of thermodynamics tells us that energy is conserved. However, the absence of the process, indicates that conservation of energy is not the whole story. If it were, movies run backwards would look perfectly normal to us! Have you ever observed this process, a broken cup spontaneously reassembling and rising up onto a table? This process could conserve energy and other laws of thermodynamics and enrgy mechanics.

Maybe movies don’t run backwards to us, but who is to say that the way we perceive things, and measure things, is the only way things are going? A person on 520 megahertz CB radio channel 9 won’t hear what some people on channel 7 were talking about, would they? At least not unless they changed frequency of perception.

Slideplayer Discusssion Thread on the second law of thermodynamics

what are algorithms?

Considering myself an auto-didact, I always taught myself everything that I know apart from the first basics which I learned in school, such As the alphabet and how to read and write, and my first basic math lessons. I do remember enjoying history as they taught it, and i believe some of the things i learned at St. Olave’s Boarding School York were the basis of my ability to apply self learning to educate myself, long after i had left school without a single qualification.

In recent years, my self education based in web programming and etymology and lateral thinking, i became very obsessed with educating myself about how Artificial Intelligence may be developed and applied in the present and future, both near and far

The story of Google Deep Mind’s Alpha Go beating an 18 times world champion at the world’s most complex and difficult boardgame GO, rose my interest as to thinking both how the A.I. learns from its own mistakes, how it predicts, and how in game 4 of 5 rounds, the Korean master managed to cause a memory overload by making the A.I. need to look further ahead in the number of moves as it was programmed to do, and tax its own computing power to the point where it became confused.

In my early years when the rest of the kids were playing Basketball or Rugby or Cricket or whatever, i would go to the Library and read Asronomy Books. Computing was not a topic one could find in school libraries in the mid seventies, otherwise i may have interested myself for that as much as i interest myself for algorithms, computing and Artificial Intellligence, in relation with Nature’s Natural Algorithm of Self Learning which we call ‘Darwinian Evolutionary Theory’

I refused to go to school at the age of 13, and didn’t go back until the final term of my 15th year of life. As the exams came up after 2 years of absence, and being in a Cambridge based educational comprehensive state school after having left an Oxford based Jesuit Boarding school in Malta, I walked in with a new tattoo on my arm, and my sleeves rolled up, signed the exam sheets and left them empty, and walked out.

Walked Out of the Exams Without Fillling in a Single Question and Signed my Name

So what does all of this have to do with algorithms? I hear you asking; All I can say to you in answer is “absolutely everything”

Let’s start with the classic scientific definition and current public understanding of the world algorithm in the IT Computing world;

An algorithm is Math based set of instructions which depend on sets of functions, variables, and priorities. An Artificial Intelligence algorithm however, no longer needs the Human to continue teaching it (although Humans will interfere and add code to improve the algorithm when a runtime error or inacccuracy or inefficiency is detected).

Below is an old GCE level computing algorithm tutorial, which even if you dont understand code and computing, will begin to give you an idea about how an algorithm can be built upon.

Perhaps you can then imagine how a point can be reached in the programming, where the machine itself can be set to learn from its own set of varied experiments and attempts to solve or execute programs.

For example, an analytics algorithm could be built in with a runtime error log which would then be combined as machine learning database information after reboot, and the machine would use its ‘memory of the experience’ to avoid making the same mistake twice. But algorithms are not merely computer based, for if Mathematicians are right, it is the process of Evolution itself which uses self learning algorithms in the same way an A.I. program does.


A further calculation program to analyse alternative possible fails and runtime errors which may occur through similar scenarios would then also be run, and with a series of ifs, and whens, buts and thens, the machine would learn to make the most effective decisions,

The next problem in Artificial Intelligence Algorithm Programming is to decide and understand how to program a set of ethics into the system (see Arthur C. Clarke‘s Science Fiction series of books which are of Visionary Excellence, just like those of Isaac Asimov, with his ‘I Robot‘ series, which deals with the 3 laws of robotics, and is a major foundation of the philosophy of most modern Artificial Intelligence Programmers up to the present day, despite being a science fiction novel.

Arthur C. Clarke was also one of the world’s greatest Astronomical Scientists, but also wrote science fiction novels, which have shown great predictive foresight into how the future (our present day) may turn out. Isaac Asimov wrote hard science fiction. Along with Robert A. Heinlein and Arthur C. Clarke, Asimov was considered one of the “Big Three” science fiction writers during his lifetime

So what do mathematical and A.I. Algorithms have to do with Nature and Evolution?

A.I. Interfacing with Humans Controlling the Decisions over all Important Protocols.

A.I. Interfacing with Humans Controlling the Decisions over all Important Protocols. This is how we eventually circumvent the problem of how A.I. can remain under Human Control

Will the Biological Entity (Humans) merge with Artificial Intelligence?

The answer to this question is very Easy; We already are doing. Many of us speakj to Siri or Cortana or Google Assistant or similar every day for menial questions, calling up data or commanding basic actions, be it on the device within apps, or with smart home hardware technology in the home.

I can remember seeing various Science Fiction Movies where the Protagonists spoke to the ship they were traveling in or the building they were residing in, and the computer with a background  listener would perform its duties.

In those days, nobody thought o the security issues which would arise with background listening microphones and devices, and webcams, and now we stand between a heaven of Futuristic technology which could make our lives so much easier (or arguably more complicated), and a hell of a Dystopian Future with Big Brother-Like Government Agencies and Companies spying on one’s every private aspect of one’s life, be it physical, medical, mental, habitual, social behavior.. all data gathered from our actions on Facebook, Google, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and so on, is gathered and analyzed using A.I. to interpret our behavior patterns using Math, This has proved efficient enough that Alpha Go could beat an 18 times world champion 4 out of 5 times in a row.

Will we Blend with Robots AND A.I.?

The answer to this is yes! this is inevitable.

How do Social Networks Use Algorithms to Process and Apply the Knowledge Gained from Our Data and Behaviours? Well, that’s a long topic, and needs many more blogposts to cover the matter properly, but I leave you with some visual food for thought below.


Faces in the Crowd - Life Out of Rhythm

Welcome to Part One of the Destroyer Podcast Series – This is one of my Freestyle Explanations of how on earth we came to find ourselves living as we do, in Human Society as it is, and why we assume that the Monetary System, Education System, Rule and Governance, and Economics are the only way forward for Humanity to Evolve as a Civilisation. it begins with revealing how Governments are Merely the Surviving Systems once formed by Armed Gangs of Barbarians, and how badly they behave and criminal they can be to each other.

Evolutionary Sciences are growing and changing all the time, as new discoveries and technologies permit us to understand the evolutionary process which underlies all creation (the Material and Immaterial Universe)

Genetic Evolution, Social Evolution, Political Evolution, Cultural Evolution, Scientific Evolution…. as to natural Selection and the Human Species, we have not stopped Evolving, nor has our Society stopped evolving.

Humanity has been in Serfdom since well before Feudal Times, in fact since around the time of the law of Hammurabi or before, we have been bullied and ruled and controlled, taxed (robbed) and punished, even executed (often for things which are neither unethical nor sinful, such as having a different belief)

Since international flights became cheaper, we have much more inter-racial marriages and children resulting from this, we eat foods from all around the world. The food we ate in our respective environments in olden days changed how our skin bones and body resistances evolved. Now we are eating everything from Pizza to raw Sushi, and we still do not know how this will affect our genetic evolution.

evolution of human physicality diet is uncertain, but if we study how diet has caused various races on various continents to evolve, we may be able to predict to some extent how we may evolve through international diet

The Evolution of Diet – National Geographic Article

Evolution currently has 5 facets to the ‘science’, namely Natural Selection, Mutation, Genetic Drift, Punctual Equilibria, and Lateral gene Transfer. However, this is in reference to the process of Evolution within the Physical Living Body

Evolution is a process similar to Machine Learning in Computing Artificial Intelligence Algorhithms, the Program learns from Experiencem, and Builds new Versions based on those Experiences.

Humans no longer understand how Machine Learning works nor how an A.I. Algorithm makes its decisions, just as we do not understand how Nature (Evolution), makes its decisions to Evolve into the next Phase.

The use of GPS  devices causes us to focus more on certain parts of the brain and to neglect other parts, which we had to use before for orientation. The use of technology is also influencing which parts of our brain we use, and which we cease to use, and Evolution will adapt to that situation. Our Orientation abilities are hence changing without us knowing what the results will be in the far future.

And so on, there are so many influential factors as to how we ended up in this mess, but Evolution is the force which drives everything, be it the Human greed and Desire for Power that causes Rogue Nations to arise, Empires to be Built, or the Monetary System and Education-Employment system which enslaves and robs us of our children, and makes the population of the world into employees instead of the inheritors of their family’s business/trade.

Evolution is a self learning automated algorithm designed to improve upon itself, just like Google Deep Mind learns from itself.

The series ‘The Destroyer’ will continue soon with a second episode.. the talks fly all over the place, because the world is a complex thing to explain.. but if you can intuit what underlies what i am saying, you may see behind the veils of this Matrix of Control that is both Orwellian and Dystopian, and which needs a great effort on a mass scale to disentangle oneself from.

This is not about Spiritual Enlightenment, it is about Worldly Enlightenment

The next Podcast i record in this series will deal with how Economics, Law, Rule and Government control how Human Civilisation Evolves, and how Economics is the main focal hub of the whole system. A system which is Ruled by Rich Families of Economists, who Own Multinational Corporations, which are much richer and more powerful and influential, than any single Government, or even Governments in Unison.

Peasants and Vassals

Peasants and Vassals

Governments hardly ever work in true Unison Anyway, due to the current ‘Us and Them’ stage of Human Consciousness, which causes us to still require the preservatiobn of individual nations and Cultures, who see each other as strangers, and potential enemies. Each Nation Looks After its Own Interests, and uses its resources to Bully or Extort Trade Deals and benefits from other Nations.

One should listen to the tales of an ex Economic Hitman, to understand properly the things i speak of, and will continue to speak of

Let the ‘Us and Them’ Consciousness’ Mindset end in this Era, and let the World Federation of Ethically Minded Humans begin. Imagine no countries, differences, religions, arguments, wars….

Imagine there’s no heaven
It’s easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people living for today
Imagine there’s no countries
It isn’t hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people living life in peace, you
You may say I’m a dreamer
But I’m not the only one
I hope some day you’ll join us
And the world will be as one
Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people sharing all the world, you
You may say I’m a dreamer
But I’m not the only one
I hope some day you’ll join us
And the world will be as one

Bad Governments Links

Criticism of the United Nations

In January 2017, Kuwait carried out its first executions since 2013, hanging seven people.

How the United States Interfered with Nicaragua

British Government Poisoned its Own People in secret Chemical Warfare tests 

Singapore’s Shocking Human Rights Record

Human Rights in Singapore

Human Rights Watch Report 2017 Singapore