United Nations Useless as the Court in Alice in Wonderland

When one becomes aware of what lies behind the United Nations Lack of Action, and their many alleged Money Skimming Scams, one has to ask when it will finally be dissolved, ridding this world of one of the most costly and inefficient organisations on the planet. The United Nations is a Hot Topic when it comes to the Discussion about whether they are efficient in their stated missions or not, and are being regarded as more International trade Orientated, than they are Interested in Helping the World Become a Better Place, Helping Children, and other Human Rights Related Issues. The one thing that has never come to the surface till now, which is becoming ever more talked about, and slowly going viral, is the money skimming scams committed by both Individuals within the UN, and the United Nations itself.

United Nations 10 Million Scandal

United Nations 10 Million Scandal

I Myself, have had two applications with the U.N. for Human Rights Issues, during the Process of which, i found out, that their supposed Human Rights Departments are Bogus Ghost Offices, especially the Hague Central Authorities of Each Nation, and that they are involved in a Money Skimming Scame in Cahoots with the Mediation Agency Mikk.ev.de – I Predict that the U.N. will be most probably dissolved within two decades or less, as the General Consensus is tending to view the U.N. as a Powerless Waste of Time and Money, designed more for Trade, than for Sanctioning Rogue Nations and Getting the Job Done.

There has arisen much dissidence as to the viability or usefulness of the existence of the UN over the last few years, and various attempts at clearing the air have been attempted by the UN to Justify their Existence and the Funding they receive from member Sovereign Nation States.

5 Assholes in the United Nations Security Council needed to get a 'Yes'

5 Assholes in the United Nations Security Council needed to get a ‘Yes’

Even students like Rwanda Paktar have made astute comments to the question “Is United Nations a useless organisation?” and cited events which show that the existence and cost of the United Nations is of no use to anybody whatsoever, and here i quote his comments from Quora

“The UN is totally a useless organization. It was formed in the aftermath of WW2 , in order to maintain peace within all the nations. However, it has today become a spineless organization, with no say whatsoever.

The UN has become one of the most inefficient organizations. Even after 73 years after its existence, the UN has failed to end the world’s gravest concerns. Let us look at some of the issues UN has overlooked.
Rwanda Genocide :
In 1994, the UN; and I quote “ just stood and watched” the slaughter of 800,000 ethnic Tutsis, caused by the Hutu government.
Iraq invasion:
Even though the UN declared it illegal , US simply attacked Iraq and remained there for seven long years , calling it as a war for democracy. What is the use of the UN when anyone can declare war on each other ?
Israel/Palestine issue:
In 1948,the UN pledged to split the land west of the dead sea into two states, namely Israel and Palestine. This is what they came up with.
The green areas would become Palestine, and the white ones Israel.
What a ridiculous plan ! Do you think such nations could coexist, when parts of them are split across hostile territory ?

Israel Palestine Scandal United nations Boobed Up

Israel Palestine Scandal United nations Boobed Up

Kashmir issue :
In 1947, India/Pakistan war took place over the princely state of Kashmir. The UN drew a Line of Control across the map. However, they did not complete the job. A small patch, also called as the Siachen Glacier, lies unclaimed up to this day.

Kashmir Incident United nations Lack of Action

Kashmir Incident United nations Lack of Action

The efficiency of the UN is worse then even the worst courts in the world. 73 years on, many issues are unresolved.

United Nations is more ridiculous than the courts, which are inthemselves, as Ridiculous as the Courtroom of the Queen of Hearts in Lewis Carrol's Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass

United Nations is more ridiculous than the courts, which is in itself, as Ridiculous as the Courtroom of the Queen of Hearts in Lewis Carrol’s Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass

Perhaps the main reason why the UN is so inefficient is because the way it works. For a decision to be passed in the Security Council, one needs the “Yes” of all five permanent members- United States, United Kingdom, Russia, China and France.

These 5 members have veto power, thus they can forbid any decision from being passed. A single amendment requires months, if not years to be passed, in order to appease all the five Veto Nations.

UNSC PG5 Nuclear Weapon Wielding Asshole Bullly Nations

UNSC PG5 Nuclear Weapon Wielding Asshole Bullly Nations

What’s worse, the five nations take diametrically opposite stances on such grave issues.
The UN also recommends countries to take a particular stance even though the countries don’t wish to. For example, the UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) forces countries to accept refugees. It is very easy to give such advices, especially when you are not the one paying for it.

The permanent members of the United Nations Security Council (also known as the Permanent Five, Big Five, or P5) are the five states which the UN Charter of 1945 grants a permanent seat on the UN Security Council: China (formerly the Republic of China), France, Russia (formerly the Soviet Union), the United Kingdom, and the United States.

P5 United Nations Money Skimmer Donald Trump

P5 United Nations Money Skimmer Donald Trump

These countries were all allies in World War II, which turned out victorious. They are also all nuclear weapons states. A total of 15 UN member states serve on the UNSC, the remainder of which are elected. Any one of the five permanent members have the power of veto, which enables them to prevent the adoption of any “substantive” draft Council resolution, regardless of its level of international support

The UN at least claims to have had some efficiency until the 90’s. That was because both the superpowers, the US and the USSR , held a delicate balance in the General Assembly. After the fragmentation of the USSR, there is only one superpower, which has further reduced the UN efficiency. The UN is now heavily biased when it comes to countries having sour relations with the US.

United States Vs World UN General Assembly Monkeys

United States Vs World UN General Assembly Monkey Business.

So the UN is essentially useless. It is biased and inefficient. It doesn’t serve the very purpose it was meant for.

To quote foreign affairs website;

Any assessment of the United Nations’ performance must begin by acknowledging that it is not a monolithic institution but a composite of various parts, which are often conflated by its detractors. When critics invoke the United Nations, do they mean the United Nations Security Council (UNSC), dominated by the great powers and charged with enforcing global peace and security? “

“Are they referring to the UN General Assembly (UNGA), the world’s noisy but largely toothless town hall, or to other large-membership bodies such as the Human Rights Council? Do they mean the dozens of UN specialized agencies, programs, and funds, such as the International Atomic Energy Agency and the UN High Commission for Refugees? Or are they critiquing the UN Secretariat itself, within which Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon oversees myriad departments devoted to development, disarmament, peacekeeping, and the like? ”

Real News wish it was fake

Real News wish it was fake

The Truth is, in My Opinion, the UN is merely a Fake Money Skimming Operation for Corporate Businessmen who buy their way into Politics with Bribery, Bloodlines, Money and Philanthropy. in order to increase their own personal gains and interest, and have power over the world.

United Nations Money Skimming Scams

United Nations Money Skimming Scams

It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than a rich man to enter heaven – But a Mindful Person, who is diligent in his Practice, and learns to renounce Materiality, may attain the Path, Be He Rich or Poor.

Topic; “The GURU” (Fake and Real);

Osho Rajneesh Rolls Royce and Devotees

Osho Rajneesh Rolls Royce and Devotees

This time we put one of the richest Gurus in Modern History, Rajneesh; A Very clever conman – a very rich one…. with Mijja Dhitti (False Views)

Never heard a word of wisdom or Dhamma from his mouth. And he reiterates how luxury and wealth is his way to happiness.  But if you examine the inner mind and heart, if you notice  the presence of suffering within (comes and goes in greater and lesser levels),, and that most of the mental and emotional sufferings and dissatisfactions we all experience (even Kings and Queens, and Gurus like Rajneesh), come from attachment and clinging to material things, ideologies and religious beliefs, ethics, selfishness. Rajneesh Owns 93 Rolls Royces

Osho Rajneesh Fake Guru

Osho Rajneesh Fake Guru

If one examines within, one will see that however rich you are, it wont make you happy, because true happiness does not require riches or poverty.. it just requires right view, (Samma Dhitti), which this fellow (Rajneesh) doesnt have yet.

his fast breathing teaching is the same as the ajarn sak yant who know that this in combination with clash of sounds causes trance… its part of the brainwashing process and of spiritual domination of people. Any Ajarn tells you to breathe deep fast and strongly as you receive blessings is a conman.. refuse to do that real deep fast breathing….

Breath Should Be Natural. Mindful Observance of Breath is the Mission

That is not the way.. remain calm, breathe naturally, and focus on your mantra or point of meditative focus which works best (chant inwardly ‘Buddho’ or whatever you feel.. ‘jesus’ ‘allah’ ‘peace’ whatever you prefer.. but for gods sake dont do erratic fast breathing when being treated, tattooed or blessed or taught to meditate by such ‘Gurus’. The fact that Rajneesh was a Hypnotist before he left India is also something to consider about how he can influence the Views (Dhitti) of his audience..

Samma Dhitti (Right View)

“Beggars and Pooor People cannot come to me because they cannot understand him so its natural that he is the rich man’s Guru’.. well all the enlightened Buddhas were mendicant beggars, and all of them were without possessions, and taught the path to the end of suffering – This dude teaches how to be reborn as an animal, hungry ghost, or asura monster or hell being, but the Buddhas taught how to practice to be never reborn as any of those, and only be reborn as a Deva (angelic being), a Human, or to Reach Nibbana. 

To intercede a little with my own ‘Views’ (Dhitti), i would say that i feel that the Tathagatha (Buddha as he referred to Himself), did not possess any views, or have a view,  for he held that all views are ‘points of view’ or ‘personal’ and limited, subjective and not objective, and hence, false views (Mijja Dhitti). “Oh but that is a View in Itself”! I hear you Thinking; Well, one could say that the Only View which the Lord Buddha Had, was that all Views are Wrong Views. This is indeed part of having Right View (Samma Dhitti ).

Samma Dhitti is one of the eight factors of the Noble Eightfold Path Taught by Lord Buddha

The Title Says it All

This guy taught to cling to sensual pleasures and advocated it. he did not see the truth that clinging and desire to impermanent things is the root of suffering and rebirth in realms of suffering, and illusion. He has 90 rolls royces, but he could sell them to educate the poor.. of course this is pointless to indicate, as everyone knows he was a con man

Sometimes people send me messages saying “Ajarn i want to make a donation to you” – No thanks i dont need them as i sell ebooks and amulets as my right profession, and use afilliate marketing (adsense and youtube earnings), to finance myself, and not take money from Looksit or subscribers or wellwishers or students… – True Guru only bestows knowledge wisdom and spirituality but does not allow an institution to arise around him…. Here is one of what most people think is a Guru …. the comments will show some other ‘Gurus’ who are about as rich and famous as Oprah Winfrey and live justr as luxuriously….. 

This teaching below from Ajarn Amaro, is the real reason for not seeking sensual pleasures, and why Rajneesh has 90 Rolls Royces instead of Spiritual Enlightenment. Buddha was happy with nothing, but if Rajneesh was made to live under a tree in the mosquito ridden Jungle, he would soon break apart, proving his lack of self mastery, and love of the cause of rebirth (attachment to sensual pleasures)

I think that people like to hear what they prefer to believe…

If you tell people they will win the lottery within a month after a blessing, and the devotee adds extra donations to the box.. a month later he wonders where his win is…- its with the Ajarn who spent it already or put it on his bank.

Give your children your money, not your Guru.

Death May be the Greatest of all Human Blessings

Death May be the Greatest of all Human Blessings (Socrates) – Now is the Season of Giving, not Taking, for You cannot Take it With You, and You Cannot Give It to Somebody who you Know and Love and who will Need It, and Give it with Your Heart, when You Are Already Dead.