Buddha Consciousness Medium

Many people believe consciousness to be the main element of enlightenment, or requisite. This is in Buddha-Dhamma, a ridiculous idea, as the process of cessation in dependent origination includes the cessation of consciousness, which IS a requisite to Nirvana. Nirvana is not Enlightenment, it is the State an Enlightened Being is in when they have Died and no longer are confined by the constraints of a Mortal Body.
watching myself go by
To assist in correcting this false idea, that Consciousness is an inherent and necessary component of Enlightenment, here are ten cases where the mere presence of consciousness does not lead to enlightenment, with short explanations why;
Distraction by Mundane Thoughts:
Mere consciousness may be occupied by ordinary, mundane thoughts, preventing the focus necessary for enlightenment. The mind needs to be directed towards higher understanding.
Attachment to Desires:
Consciousness preoccupied with cravings and desires can hinder enlightenment. Liberation requires overcoming the clinging nature of such desires.
Egoic Identification:
If consciousness is strongly identified with the ego, enlightenment becomes elusive. True understanding arises when one transcends the illusion of a fixed and separate self.
Lack of Mindfulness:
Unmindful consciousness can lead to scattered attention and hinder the deep awareness required for enlightenment. Mindfulness is crucial for sustained focus.
Negative Emotions Dominance:
Consciousness overshadowed by negative emotions like anger, fear, or hatred may obstruct the path to enlightenment. Emotional balance is essential for clarity.
Intellectual Arrogance:
Excessive intellectualism without humility can hinder spiritual growth. True enlightenment involves a holistic understanding that goes beyond intellectual prowess.

Der Strange Phenomenon of Consciousness Medium

Unresolved Past Trauma:
Consciousness carrying unresolved past traumas may be clouded by emotional distress, impeding the clarity necessary for enlightenment.
Rigid Belief Systems:
A consciousness bound by rigid belief systems may resist new insights and hinder the openness required for enlightenment. Flexibility is essential for growth.
Dualistic Thinking:
Consciousness stuck in dualistic thinking, perceiving things as black or white, may struggle to grasp the interconnected and interdependent nature of reality.
Lack of Compassion:
Enlightenment often involves a deep sense of compassion. Consciousness lacking compassion may miss the interconnectedness and altruism inherent in spiritual awakening.
Consciousness within Medium
The mere presence of consciousness does not guarantee enlightenment when it is entangled in distractions, attachments, egoic identifications, or lacks the necessary qualities such as mindfulness, emotional balance, and compassion. The path to enlightenment involves a transformative journey beyond these hindrances.
There are many hindrances to enlightenment, but above all of the plethora of small hindrances there are five main hindrances to enlightenment, and they are known as such in Buddhism

1. Desire (kāmacchanda): This hindrance refers to the craving for sensory pleasures and attachment to them. It can manifest as an intense longing for material possessions, pleasurable experiences, or even indulgence in sensual desires. For example, constantly yearning for the latest gadgets or feeling the need to consume excessive amounts of food or entertainment.
To overcome desire, practitioners are encouraged to cultivate mindfulness and investigate the impermanent and unsatisfactory nature of sensory pleasures. Developing contentment with what one has and practicing moderation in consumption can also help reduce attachment to desires.

The Conscious Observer, Absence and Presence Medium

2. Aversion (vyāpāda): Aversion, also known as ill-will or aversion, encompasses feelings of hostility, anger, resentment, or hatred towards oneself or others. It arises when we encounter situations or people that we find disagreeable or threatening. For instance, feeling irritated by a coworker’s behavior or holding a grudge against someone who wronged us.
To counter aversion, practitioners can cultivate loving-kindness (mettā) meditation to develop compassion and goodwill towards oneself and others. Practicing forgiveness and understanding the root causes of anger or resentment can also help alleviate these negative emotions.

Consciousness Pervading Medium

3. Sloth and Torpor (thīna-middha): Sloth refers to sluggishness or laziness of mind and body, while torpor refers to dullness or mental lethargy. These hindrances manifest as feelings of drowsiness, heaviness, or mental fog, making it challenging to engage in meditation or other spiritual practices. For example, feeling lethargic and unmotivated to meditate or pursue spiritual goals.
To overcome sloth and torpor, practitioners can cultivate energy (viriya) through practices such as mindfulness of the body or engaging in physical activity. Taking breaks to stretch or practice walking meditation can also help invigorate the mind and body.

restlessness, worry, depression, afflictive emotions

4. Restlessness and Worry (uddhacca-kukkucca): Restlessness refers to a scattered or agitated mind, while worry involves excessive anxiety or concern about past or future events. These hindrances create mental agitation and prevent concentration and tranquility in meditation. For instance, feeling anxious about upcoming deadlines or replaying past mistakes in the mind.
To alleviate restlessness and worry, practitioners can cultivate mindfulness of breathing to anchor the mind in the present moment. Recognizing and accepting the impermanent nature of thoughts and emotions can help reduce mental agitation. Cultivating contentment and gratitude for the present moment can also promote inner peace and calm.


5. Doubt (vicikicchā): Doubt refers to uncertainty or indecision about one’s spiritual path or practice. It can manifest as skepticism towards teachings, oneself, or others, leading to wavering faith or lack of confidence. For example, questioning the effectiveness of meditation practices or doubting one’s ability to attain spiritual progress.

The Serene Buddha

To overcome doubt, practitioners can cultivate wisdom (paññā) through studying the teachings of the Buddha and seeking guidance from experienced teachers or spiritual mentors. Reflecting on one’s own experiences and observing the benefits of spiritual practice can also help strengthen faith and resolve doubts.

The Buddha with a Serene Expression3

In addition to these practices, maintaining a regular meditation practice, attending spiritual retreats, and cultivating virtuous qualities such as patience, generosity, and ethical conduct are also emphasized in Buddhism as effective methods for overcoming the hindrances and progressing on the path towards liberation.

Buddhism and the Significance of 108

The number 108 serves as a bridge that connects us to the external world. The Tibetan Buddhist canon, referred to as the Kangyur, is a relatively broad collection of 108 volumes of sacred texts that have been acknowledged by many schools of Tibetan Buddhism and thus are referred to as the Sacred Word of Buddhism.

Thai Buddhist temples

Buddhism is a religion and philosophy based on the teachings of the Buddha. It originated in ancient India more than 2,500 years ago and spread to many parts of Asia, including Thailand. Today, Buddhism is one of the major religions in Thailand, and it plays a crucial role in the country’s culture, history, and way of life.

Meditating Buddha made of pure light in a dark cave, slight illuminaton of walls, with five orbs around him in the form of a crescent shaped glowing aura of orbs with alien looking symbols inside each of the 5 orbs

One of the essential beliefs in Buddhism, is the concept of impermanence. Buddhists believe that all things are constantly changing and that nothing lasts forever. This belief is reflected in the architecture of Buddhist temples in Thailand. The buildings are designed to be temporary, made of wood or other materials that are easily replaced.

The number 108 is considered significant in Buddhism, and it is believed to have many auspicious meanings. The number is said to represent the 108 virtues of Buddha, which include wisdom, compassion, and love. It is also said to represent the 108 defilements that humans must overcome to reach enlightenment.

In Thailand, the number 108 is significant in many ways. For example, during Buddhist ceremonies, devotees often recite prayers or mantras 108 times. The number is also significant in Thai astrology, where it is used to calculate horoscopes and auspicious dates. In Thailand, the number 108 is also used in colloquial slang to mean ‘a heck of a lot of’ or ‘countless’, as in ‘108 ways to die’. 
The number 108 is considered a sacred and significant number in many Buddhist traditions. Here are a few possible reasons for its significance:

  • Mala beads: A mala is a string of prayer beads used in Buddhism to count mantras or breaths during meditation. A traditional mala consists of 108 beads, which are counted by running the beads through the fingers as each mantra or breath is repeated. The number 108 is said to represent the 108 earthly temptations that a Buddhist must overcome to reach enlightenment.
  • Cosmology: In Buddhist cosmology, there are said to be 108 defilements or delusions that a person must overcome to attain enlightenment. These defilements are categorized into six groups of 18: six senses (sight, sound, smell, taste, touch, and thought), six afflictions (ignorance, attachment, aversion, pride, doubt, and wrong views), and six negative emotions (lust, hatred, desire, envy, delusion, and pride).
  • Sacred texts: The Buddhist scripture contains 108 volumes of the teachings of the Buddha. These teachings are said to be divided into three groups: the Vinaya (monastic rules), the Sutra (discourses), and the Abhidharma (philosophy).
  • Astronomy: In ancient India, there were 27 constellations or nakshatras, each of which was divided into four parts or padas. This gives a total of 108 padas. In some Buddhist traditions, the number 108 is associated with the distance between the Earth and the Sun, which is said to be approximately 108 times the diameter of the Sun.
  • Overall, the number 108 is considered a sacred and auspicious number in Buddhism, representing the spiritual path towards enlightenment and the overcoming of earthly temptations and delusions.

As a piece of Trivia, the number 108 also figures prominently in the symbolism associated with karate.

Meditating Buddha made of pure light in a dark cave, slight illuminaton of walls, with five orbs around him in the form of a crescent shaped glowing aura of orbs with alien looking symbols inside each of the 5 orbs