
Insight Development Mindfulness Meditation

Cosmic Philosophy

Philosophy based on a Rich Blend of Sciences and Metaphysics

Ajarn Spencer HQ

Virtual Ashram and Inner Universe of the Imaginary Person Ajarn Spencer Littlewood

Ajarn Spencer Littlewood’s Online Headquarters

Mult-Disciplinarian,  Polyglot, Magical  Amulet Collector, Maker and Trader, Etymologist, Biker, Ex Buddhist Monk & Lersi Hermit, Historian, Antique Collector, Self-Published Author, Anthropologist, Linguist, Philosopher, Occultist, Anarchist and Sovereign Individual. Professional Webmaster. SEO Consultant, Practitioner of Vipassana Kammathana Mindfulness Practices. Astronomy freak, Musician, Avid Futurist and Disillusioned Altruist, Amulet trader and Online Entrepreneur.

Chosen Topics You will find me writing about on this blog;

Astronomy and Physics,, UFOS Real and Fake, Behavioural Conditioning (from Social, Political, Religious, Academic, and Natural Biological Causes), Anarchy and Sovereign Individualism, Buddhism, Amulets and Talismans, Futurism, The Occult, Enlightenment, Myths and Legends, Meditation and Vipassana, Technology, Webmastering and Internet, and many other off topic subjects

Life Advice (Is anyone truly Qualified for This?)

Life advisors seem to be popping up on youtube ads and seminars and Ted Talks and websites all over the world, and ‘talkers’ as in Ted Talks, and Seminar Holders, has become a profession, that has caused ‘Life-Advisor-Talker-Itis’ meaning, the people who get into this practice as a profession forget the true goal (wise advice). and get lost in selling their own bullshit. I wish to give life advice based on my own mistakes and experiences, and hope others can learn better from my mistakes in life, than i did.

Latest Articles

A Prayer for The Death of Facebook and Real Physical Socializing

The day FB is gone, is the day we have to go and visit everyone in person, or, if on the Internet, by visiting each other’s personal websites. Facebook has...

what are algorithms?

Algorithms in Nature and A.I The Code of Self Learning

Considering myself an auto-didact, I always taught myself everything that I know apart from the first basics which I learned in school, such As the alphabet and how to read...

Stats Fake Science and the Hot Air Principle

Everyone is Crunching Data, and Big Data, to render Stats, or better said in real English ‘Statistics’ are as far as most people understand, some kind of ‘Proof’ of something,...

The Great Flood

Is The Deluge Myth of Great Flood a Quaternary Mass Extinction Event?

Apart from the Mythical Deluge,  whose truth is argued to this day, we have had 25 scientifically accepted mass extinction events on earth, since life began (not including this 26th...

The End of the Subscription Service is Nigh

Subscription Services Become Ever Less Popular as the Public Realises that Paying Forever is worse than Paying Once Recent Years has seen I.T. and Internet Related software and services move...

Greed Aversion and Delusion

What Is Sin?

What is Sin? The concept of what Sin is, is a question many people ask, and never really get a straight answer. Sin, is a word, which we Humans use...

Praying Hands on a Holy Book. A Very Human Phenomena, based in Hopes and Fears, and the feeling of Helplessness. Some Turn to Prayer, others to Magic, and a very few, choose the path of self introspection, self honesty and self transformation through efforts of renunciation of false views and clinging to impermanent things.

The Power of Prayer

Prayer, and the Power of Prayer, can be Effective, or Pointless, depending on how it is applied, and how oneself applies oneself to allowing one’s prayers to manifest. Let us...

Rajneesh with Thanks Give to Your Children Not The Guru

It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than a rich man to enter heaven – But a Mindful Person, who is diligent in...

Death May be the Greatest of all Human Blessings

Facing Death – The Ultimate Test

Facing Death can be considered our ultimate test we have to pass in Life. The Buddha Asked Ananda ‘Tell me Ananda, how often do you think of death?’, to which...

Faces in the Crowd - Life Out of Rhythm

The Destroyer 1 – How Did Humanity End Up Like This?

Welcome to Part One of the Destroyer Podcast Series – This is one of my Freestyle Explanations of how on earth we came to find ourselves living as we do,...

The Perfect Teacher - False Gurus for Profit and Fame

The Perfect Teacher is not Without Defilement

A Critical Investigation into why Gurus and Spiritual teachers always try to appear Flawless and without Defilement in Public, and why they never speak of their own failings or defilement,...

Shedding skin - Transformation, and the casting off of defilement. Enlightenment comes with the abandonment of craving, not with the desire to Become something.

Something to Gain or to Get Rid Of

In Buddhist practice, people try to ‘Attain’ Enlightenment. Academically, there are four stages to Enlightenment, each of those four stages having a path, and a fruit. In the thing we...

Pra Khun Phaen Marum Madtum 3 Takrut LP Say

Remembering a classic of some years ago, a very popular amulet of Luang Por Say in the year of its release, which became the talk of the folk for its...

Zeitgeist Inane Dragon

Big Brother and the Matrix is Real and So are Paranoid Conspiracy Theories

DocumentaryZeitgeist Movement Visual Wake-Up Call part One 2007 Release Movie, directed and produced by Peter Joseph There are currently 4 different Zeitgeist Video Documentaries available om the Website See More...

Dtukadtaa Paya Wan Sak Thai Yai - Ruesi Hermit Image

Sak Yant Herbal Effigies for Sacred Ink

The Dtugadtaa Paya Wan Sak is an effigy or image made from herbal powder clay, sometimes covered with dee buk leaden coating or even solid silver foil, or sometimes a...

iPhone 5s

Selling My Old iPhone 5

I decided i have too many iPhones, and that my iPhone 5s, is too small text for my old eyes to strain themselves to read anymore, so i am placing...

Ajarn Spencer Restart

After having very bad experiences with my previous hosting services (Bluehost), i decided to move Ajarn Spencer Blog to a new hosting service. However, the Bluehost Admin CP did not...